Digital transformation in mining

When you meet our digital experts, their boots might look a little worn out. That’s because their expertise is grounded in the day-to-day realities of mining.

We combine first-hand experience with tailored, co-created digital solutions to solve tough problems and deliver real value. Whatever stage you’re at with Industry 4.0, we’ll get you where you want to be

Our latest insights

First published in "The Manufacturer"
Augmented Reality in the industry: virtually impossible to ignore

Think big

We help you envision the future of mining. We empower your people. We inspire change in the way you work, ensure safety and earn social license to operate.

  • Disrupt longstanding asset management and operational practices

  • Create new products and stronger customer experiences

  • Achieve carbon reduction goals

Safety. Productivity

Energy transition

Availability. Cost reduction

Quality. Performance

Visibility. Risk reduction. Skills

Get practical

No company can realize the autonomous and carbon-free vision alone. Whatever your goals and priorities for Industry 4.0 and beyond, it’s easy to get started with any of our co-creation modules and achieve your strategic targets faster.

A playbook for digitalization at scale

Case study & video

Digital apps and services

Why choose ABB as your digital tranformation partner?

Examples of customer results

Energy efficiency

Plant energy efficiency through electrification and integrated electrical control with power management

Reduced CAPEX

Reduced CAPEX costs related to total installed and commissioned electrification and control system

Better ore recovery

Plant can react to ore variability ahead of time and increase recovery with higher equipment utilization

Mining domain expertise
For more than 130 years, from the advent of electricity to today's data-driven industry, we’ve continued to enrich our knowledge of the mining industry. We understand your processes and what could benefit them.

Operations, Information, Enterprise Technology integration
We can achieve OT-IT-ET integration with vendor agnostic legacy systems. We are leaders in IoT space with 70 million digitally enabled devices, 70 000 digital control systems, 6 000 enterprise-level software solutions across multiple industries.

Scalability partner
We have a global presence and the ability to scale digital solutions across multiple sites. We not only sense and analyze data, but also close the loop by acting on insights in the physical world for real value.

Open platform
Our industrial internet and cloud infrastructure is scalable from plant to enterprise and supports a variety of deployments including cloud, hybrid and on-premise. ABB Ability™ platform leverages Microsoft Azure for integrated cloud connectivity and services through ABB’s strategic partnership with Microsoft. We have 20 Remote Collaborative Centers with 24/7 expert troubleshooting and modern tech such as AR.

We ensure defence-in-depth cyber security, data protection, reliability, privacy and intellectual property. You own your data. We remain transparent about the data we collect, what we do with it, and won’t disclose any data without your consent.

Partner ecosystem
We increase value through a wide portfolio of other ecosystem players.

The transformation journey can be complex. Each customer has their own unique challenges. That’s why we work with you every step of the way to achieve your business goals.

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