Bridging the industry knowledge skills gap and the unexpected by connecting your workforce

Realizing your business strategies and innovation opportunities depends on your ability to create, disseminate and safeguard difficult-to-imitate knowledge across the entire organization - from frontline workers to experts and managers. The way your people execute work, anticipate and respond to continuous change becomes your real competitive advantage.

Let us help you safeguard your industry knowledge and skills

Request a demo for your procedure

Your employees, customers and suppliers are excited about the evolution of connected products and platforms - expecting better outcomes and new experiences. Their rapidly changing behaviors are motivating you to create new business strategies, find new opportunities to innovate and grow your business. But there are headwinds: skill gaps between job requirements and the available labor pool or unexpected situations in the day-to-day realities of your industry. ABB can help you stay ahead of the curve by:

  • making shift planning more adaptable and connected to the existing systems, when every job status is visible in near real time, with contextually relevant data interactions
  • creating intuitive on-the-job guidance with best practices and safety embedded in digital work instructions, procedures or data collection forms - with “right the first time, every time” built into work itself - easy to update as frequently as required
  • turning remote assistance, training and customer support into a more immersive experience through augmented reality (AR) / mixed reality (MR) collaboration tools
  • automating the delivery of deeper insights based on the recorded execution history of tasks, troubleshooting and training - to move knowledge between different parts of the organization and functional roles, anticipate change, support continuous improvement.

Connecting workforce with procedures, systems and each other will generate a significant amount of useful data to preserve invaluable knowledge, enhance skills and  performance

A practical how-to guide for connected workforce

Request a demo of your procedure

We'll be delighted to show to your team how remote collaboration, mobile apps and smart devices can make a job described in a procedure of your choice more attractive and easier to follow - even for less experienced workers. We can also demonstrate how such a digitalized workflow will let you track the job status in near real time, adapt the schedule to unexpected changes, analyze worker performance and more.
  1. You upload your procedure document (checklist, work instruction, data capture form)
  2. We convert your document into a digital workflow using the ABB connected workforce apps.
  3. Once the document conversion has been completed we present you how it works

When you start replacing pen and paper with mobile apps, anyone in your team familiar with your processes will be empowered to do the same kind of conversion, using ABB's "no-code" tools and customizable templates. And improve the underlying processes on the way - part of the connected workforce apps roll-out.

Let us help you safeguard your industry knowledge and skills

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