Equipment identification: prevent wrong manipulations and rework

Assign the right procedure to the right equipment and location

It's quite easy to execute a wrong procedure on the wrong equipment due to a confusion when they look similar.

ABB’s connected workforce apps let you build digital work instructions that include QR code scanning, images and videos for positive identification of equipment and location.

Let us help you prevent wrong equipment manipulation when assigning and executing jobs

Request a demo for your procedure

Connecting workforce with procedures, systems and each other will generate a significant amount of useful data to preserve invaluable knowledge, enhance skills and  performance

More how-to guides for connected workforce

Request a demo of your procedure

We'll be delighted to show to your team how remote collaboration, mobile apps and smart devices can make a job described in a procedure of your choice more attractive and easy to follow - even for less experienced workers. We can also demonstrate how such a digitalized workflow will let you track the job status in near real time, adapt the schedule to unexpected changes, analyze worker performance and more.
  1. You upload your procedure document (checklist, work instruction, data capture form)
  2. We convert your document into a digital workflow using the ABB connected workforce apps.
  3. Once the document conversion has been completed we present you how it works

When you start replacing pen and paper with mobile apps, anyone in your team familiar with your processes will be empowered to do the same kind of conversion, using ABB's "no-code" tools and customizable templates. And improve the underlying processes on the way - part of the connected workforce app roll-out.

Let us help you safeguard your industry knowledge and skills

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