The future of mining

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Where to start to be ready for the future?

There are three major trends that are fundamentally transforming the industry. First, the shift from diesel to electrification. Second, there is digitalization, which is resulting in increased productivity and more sustainable use of resources while lowering input cost. The third trend is automation, which will also increase productivity and change the way we work. How things develop in the next 5 -15 years has uncertainties. However, the future is shaped by the innovations and advances of the present.

Every company operating or serving the mining sector can participate in shaping the future and can start right away. Let's join forces, co-develop and collaborate to set new standards for mining!

Technologies changing mining industry's future

For thousands of years mining has provided us with the raw materials we need to develop economies and build communities. Miners often put their lives at risk, travelling deep underground in dangerous conditions to bring these precious elements to the surface.

But mines are entering a new era. The environments of a modern miner are being transformed. Welcome to the ABB digital mine!

It’s estimated that mine digitalization could save $373 billion by 2025 raising productivity, reducing waste and keeping our mines safe.
The mining workforce of the future will be one that seamlessly embraces the digital transformation agenda. Mining companies must embrace innovation and partner with a trusted technology provider if they want to attract and retain the next generation of digitally literate talent, and protect their licence to operate.
In the digital mine every operational detail is connected, improving safety, productivity and efficiency. To achieve ultimate mining performance total visibility and optimization across operations is essential. Seamlessly connected digital systems are required to ensure that data from across the entire fleet is available at all times, in forms that are tailored to specific roles. ABB's Digital Mine is providing data driven solutions, continually expanding the opportunities at every operational stage.
Mine Location Intelligence optimizes the potential for remote working. Real-time positioning insights and controls give miners 100% secure access control and shorter evacuation time.
Monitoring and analysis services give you a real-time window into the most hard-working piece of kit on the site – the hoist, detecting abnormal safety conditions early and avoiding production losses about 1500 tons per hour.
The Gearless Mill Drive can be monitored anywhere anytime. This means greater drive efficiency and availability, with reliability pushed to nearly 100%. Downtime is inevitable, but it can be dramatically reduced using insights taken from data analysis, mitigating and controlling one of the biggest, at least predictable, costs.
Swift responses resolved remotely mean a lower cost per ton, and expensive assets need replacing less frequently.
Intelligent scenario forecasting ensures that problems are resolved as efficiently and effectively as possible.
ABB Ability™ Condition Monitoring for belts delivers an ongoing status on the health of each roller.  This data is fed into the ABB Ability™ Operations Management System. Short Interval Control allows to monitor and schedule all activities, so critical problems can be dealt with instantly.
ABB's Closed Loop Scheduler allows the short-term planner to achieve new levels of efficiency. The AI-based engine automatically considers all constraints for mobile and fixed equipment, including conveyor capacity. In this way the operator can select the optimal equipment usage, and dispatch them, in real time.  ABB's operations management system (OMS) with short interval control effectively 'closes the loop' between planned and real-life operation scenarios in open pit and underground mines.
ABB's Stockyard Management System integrates seamlessly into OMS and ERP systems to close the loops between operational activities, ore and quality tracking and market demands. Reducing handling efforts and increasing on demand production. Mine models and sensors provide ore parameters that are tracked by the stockyard management system from mine to port. Ore quantity and grade is made available along the entire value chain enabling optimized blending or enhanced performance of advanced process control.
ABB Ability™ eMine portfolio for smart mine power distribution, charging and energy management systems - gets everything moving electric and sustainable.

By avoiding disruption and optimizing efficiency, mines can meet production targets and react to market demand more easily. Everyone has the insights they need, tailored to their function. Through ABB's advanced software, dynamic scheduling protects against failures, ensuring that mine operations are optimized to the highest level - stabilizing projections and production.

Future mines are carbon-dioxide-free, digitalized and autonomous.

We are transforming the way mines operate, creating a digitally enabled environment that is safe, clean and sustainable, with a workforce carrying out exciting, stimulating tasks.  

Partner with ABB!

When you meet one of our digital experts, their boots might look a little worn out. That’s because their expertise is grounded in the day-to-day realities of mining.

We combine this first-hand experience with tailored digital solutions to solve tough problems and deliver real value. So whatever stage you’re at, we’ll work with you to create  a step-by-step plan to help you get where you want to be. Even if we have to change our boots along the way.

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