Oil and Gas

Automation migration

A flexible and affordable path to evolve to the latest system hardware and software technology for electrical, telecommunications and automation assets.

As market leader with among the world’s largest installed base of electrical and automation equipment, ABB understands your needs for step-wise improvement and modernization of production equipment.

To achieve continuous improvement and still retain productive assets, we have developed comprehensive evolution solutions for the installed base of ABB equipment, as well as for third-party electrical and automation equipment. Cost-efficient and low-risk evolution is ideal for producers with a mix of equipment (sometimes from different suppliers) at each production site.

Whether that investment was 1, 5, 10, or 15 years ago, our evolution experts will help you develop your long-term evolution roadmap. We will make a complete review of your systems in order to identify upgrade opportunities with the greatest return on investment and suggest an evolution path that will increase the efficiency and the productivity of your facilities.

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