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Oil and Gas

Your partner in the energy transition

ABB is making a world of difference by enabling safe, smart and sustainable operations with integrated solutions that digitalize, automate & electrify the oil and gas industry. We are focused on helping energy companies operate more efficiently to reduce their environmental impact, while enabling new, clean energy value chains to fuel our future.

Reducing manual interventions from
1000+  to 20
with ABB Ability™ digital technologies 

less CO₂ emissions with power from shore derived from renewable energy

Supporting Imperial College at the largest carbon capture and storage (CCS) research program in the UK 

Solutions across the oil and gas industry

Our integrated electrical, automation and telecommunication approach, backed by extensive service and digital capabilities, allows our customers to execute projects, sometimes in very remote locations. We can optimize production and costs through the life of the asset’

Our offerings adapted to your needs

Adaptability makes the difference.

ABB Adaptive Execution™ evolves the traditional project approach to deliver results faster—even when you’re facing complexity and change.




Explore safe, smart and sustainable solutions for energy industries.