CGA System Solutions

ABB provides optimized and cost-effective solutions for emission monitoring, process gas analysis, cement plant and marine applications as complete turn-key measuring systems:

The ACF5000 is the specialist for certified emission and process monitoring of up to 15 components for e.g. waste incineration applications. From the pioneers in hot/wet FTIR CEMS, the fourth generation ACF5000 delivers market leading performance, longest maintenance intervals and low cost of operation.

The AO2000 System using the AO2000 series (Advance Optima) analyzers is the perfect fitting solution for emission monitoring as well as specific applications in the cement industry and process gas measurements.

In combination with ABB's SCK, especially designed for sampling of hot cement flue gas with a high dust load, the solution ensures e.g., effective monitoring of the primary and secondary combustion, minimizes the fuel costs through optimized combustion control and supports a safe operation

Highest availability and reliable measurement results are key to avoid stress with non-compliance issues while sailing.  To meet the high-performance criteria on board calls for the right design of a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS). The CEMcaptain GAA610-M is a powerful new emission monitoring system from ABB designed to help guarantee compliance to emission regulations today and tomorrow.


Our offering