ChloroStar™ Cell

ABB’s ChloroStar™ Cell (ACL410) is designed to make it easy to measure free and total chlorine levels in foul-prone applications.

Focus on ease of use, operation, accuracy and reliability is a priority so users can install, operate, maintain, and control chlorine levels more easily than ever before. The self-cleaning open-cell flow-through design means that it won’t block or clog like other types of sensors, making it ideal for high-fouling applications like wastewaters or when you need to measure chlorine or chlorine dioxide under stable pH conditions*.

*For waters with high (>8 pH) or variable pH levels or for total chlorine measurement an additional buffer is required.


View the ChloroStar Cell in 3D


How is it used?

This compact self-contained chlorine measurement solution comes complete with integral pressure regulation and the ability to directly connect up to 2 additional sensors.

Where can it be used?

The self-cleaning open-cell flow-through design means that it won’t block or clog like other types of sensors, making it ideal for high-fouling applications like wastewaters or when you need to measure chlorine or chlorine dioxide under stable pH conditions*

What makes this a "Star" product?

Super reliability and durability thanks to its unique self-cleaning design that uses the sample flow to clean the electrodes ensuring maximum sensitivity even in high-fouling applications.

Key specifications at a glance:

  • Measurement: Free chlorine, chlorine dioxide, total chlorine*
  • Measurement range: 0 to 20 mg/l (ppm)
  • Sample pH: (4 to 7.5)*
  • Sample flow rate: 60-75 l/hr
  • Approvals: CE

*For waters with high (>8 pH) or variable pH levels or for total chlorine measurement an additional buffer is required.

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