Blog | 31 Jan 2025

Digital technologies deliver huge benefits for industry but being more connected and data-driven can leave organizations vulnerable to cyberattacks. Incidents such as data breaches, ransomware attacks and insider threats can all have consequences, and that makes cybersecurity in digitized factories and process plants mission critical. 

Unlike traditional IT environments that are regularly upgraded, factories can operate with legacy systems that weren’t designed to cope with evolving security threats. Integrating new digital technologies with this existing infrastructure can create complex security landscapes, making vulnerabilities difficult to identify and guard against.

Safeguarding measurement data is crucial to prevent disruptions. Maintaining safety and environmental protection are clearly the top priorities, but compromised data can also have serious commercial implications, from short-term losses to long-term reputational damage. What’s more, anything that impacts on compliance could land companies in trouble with regulators.

These considerations are a drag on the rollout of digital systems in many industrial installations, but reputable suppliers have been raising the bar in cyber security so that manufacturers can explore the benefits of new technologies for process measurement safely and securely. For example, ABB builds security into products at all stages of the product lifecycle, pushing the performance of every operation and helping customers outperform. 

Starting with the obvious, we scan all our products for malware before they leave our factory, as well as using simulated attacks to test the resilience of our software. We offer secure digital certificates to ensure authenticity, and we set passwords according to recommendations from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In addition, we follow best practice to prevent interception via the cloud, mobile communications or the web. For instance, we’re part of OWASP (Open Worldwide Application Security Project), which aims to prevent glitches in app software that might otherwise compromise security.

We also develop our solutions in line with IEC 62443-3-3:2013, a global standard that focuses on security controls that protect industrial systems from cybersecurity threats. Part of the IEC 62443 series of standards for industrial automation and control systems (IACS) cybersecurity, IEC 62443-3-3:2013 provides a framework for implementing system-level security measures, covering aspects such as access control, data integrity, and system robustness. 



Putting the power of protection in your hands

ABB understands that users want to control their own security. We put the power in your hands by authorizing you to change, disable or remove any undocumented accounts, passwords, or private/secret keys related to your ABB products. This also enables you to apply additional measures as you see fit. Our user documentation highlights any areas where we think you might want to take extra security precautions and secure interfaces are limited according to what we think you’ll need, although you can add extra interfaces if necessary. 

In some of the latest examples, ABB’s SwirlMaster and VortexMaster flowmeters now incorporate Ethernet-APL (Advanced Physical Layer) technology, enabling remote monitoring and data-driven maintenance, even in hazardous locations.

Security measures incorporated into the new flowmeters include:

  • Unsecured protocols disabled by default
  • Encrypted communication to WebServer (https)
  • Password only via encrypted communication
  • Request to set the password during initial commissioning – users are forced to change the default password when commissioning the device
  • Identification link, with a unique identifier for each device

Together, these features provide maximum protection against unauthorized access and tampering. The use of password protection creates a traceable footprint trail, with any changes being attributable to specific individuals, while encryption and disabling of unsecured protocols helps to prevent data being intercepted. 

These security measures apply to all our Ethernet-APL devices as well as to our standard Ethernet CoriolisMaster and ProcessMaster flowmeters, ensuring accurate and reliable flow measurement with the highest protection against cyber threats.


Helping you stay secure

The fast-moving nature of technology and digitalization means the risk of cyberattacks can never be eliminated entirely. However, it can at least be contained. At ABB we have processes for incident handling as part of our Software Vulnerability Handling approach. We provide alerts and notifications, plus extra services such as patch management to help preserve the security of software products. For even more reassurance, our dedicated Cyber Security Organization promises to help deal with any cyber security issues and minimize any fallout.

Digital solutions offer so many potential benefits and the good news is that the need for companies to defend against bad actors need not be a barrier to reaping those rewards. 

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