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Passenger Station


ABB products and solutions for passenger station

When it comes to passenger stations and buildings, the key focus areas are energy efficiency, safety and security, and building automation.

We’re constantly improving our offering, looking for the most user-friendly solutions and bringing people and technology together. Smart passengers deserve smart stations.

Our offerings

Energy efficiency

Security and safety

Building automation

Customer Stories

CSS Flexbox Cards

ABB Landscapes

By developing solutions and products which are innovative, reliable, safe and easy to install, we are consistently meeting the high standard of safety expectations for transportation. We can contribute to the increased efficiency of your equipment and support transport operators throughout the whole life-cycle of the traction chain, i.e. in the areas of service, maintenance, upgrades, and retrofit projects.

Click on the red dots to explore our 'service centers' and how our solutions can add value to your industry.

Market solutions

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