
Reach new levels of knowledge with dedicated training programs

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Electrical Service Training

Reach new levels of knowledge with dedicated training programs

Throughout the value chain, from pre-purchase to replacement, ABB Electrification Service offers general and product-related technical training for your employees including supervisors, engineers, technicians, operators, and maintenance personnel.

What we offer


Classroom training: meet us at the training centre where we blend theoretical presentations with hands-on sessions to enhance maintenance technicians' comprehension of the products and their maintenance skills. 

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On-site training: our approach to learning is both versatile and sustainable. Our expert comes directly at your site, optimizing the learning experience for maintenance technicians on-location.


Coaching: Our collaborative approach involves working closely with your team and leaders to provide advanced, case-based training and problem-solving, delivering oriented tailored coaching solutions for your business. 

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Remote training: very similar to classroom training but performed from remote. ABB can use augmented reality to support the training.


E-learning: a training you can perform whenever you want as its online. Usually, it’s available for introducing the product and it’s technical capabilities.

Our expertise


Practically oriented and problem-based courses.


We work in partnership with you to address your specific needs and ensure that your employees are more satisfied with their jobs thanks to deeper knowledge of equipment and service procedures.

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Cost effective skills development services like product and application trainings or advanced coaching can be subscribed to through ABB service contracts.

We address low-voltage and medium-voltage ABB equipment

electric training

ABB low-voltage equipment: Air circuit breakers, moulded case circuit breakers, external relay (EPIC) Automatic transfer switch.

switchgear training

ABB low-voltage switchgears.

medium voltage training

ABB medium-voltage apparatus and relays.

medium-voltage switchgears traning

ABB medium-voltage switchgears.

Services in action


ABB Electrification Service
Our everyday heroes

What does the phrase 'everyday hero' mean to you? At ABB Electrification Service, we think it means someone who is continuously working to help our customers achieve maximized energy efficiency. It means someone who advocates for safe, sustainable energy. It means someone who is ready, day or night, to help keep the lights on.

Electrification service2

Service in action
Get the latest news

We have a global team of more than 3800 experts. Service in action is our archive of news and videos where you can see what the team is delivering around the world, including success stories, press releases, webinars, and videos from our customers describing the power of a partnership with ABB Electrification Service.

Need help?

Can’t find what you were looking for? Search our library for technical documentation, selector tools or connect with our support team.

Get the answers you need directly. If you can’t find the answer to your question, our support team can help you.

Connect with our experts and improve the availability, reliability, and predictability & sustainability of your assets.

Optimize your operations with our service portfolio.

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