ABB Ability™ Digital Powertrain is a suite of digital solutions and services
that enables you to remotely monitor the health, performance and energy
efficiency of powertrains, including drives, motors, generators and
applications, such as pumps and fans. It combines connectivity and data
analytics with our expertise, helping you to make better decisions for more
efficient, predictable and safe operations.
Detect potential machine disturbances before they impact operations
The data collected from the digitally connected assets is analyzed, providing deeper insights into the condition and performance of the equipment. It enables users to detect early signs of potential problems and take actions before reliability, productivity and safety are impacted. Maintenance can be planned according to actual needs rather than based on generic schedules. This extends equipment lifetime, cuts maintenance costs and reduces unplanned downtime.
Identify energy wasters to cut energy costs and CO2 emissions
Digitally connected assets enable continuous energy efficiency audits at scale. An ABB Ability™ Digital Powertrain energy appraisal collects data from entire fleets of motors without the need for an energy efficiency expert to visit the site. It gives insights into how motor-driven applications perform, helps to identify energy wasters and recommends ways to boost energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.
Outsource the monitoring of your equipment to ABB experts so your personnel can focus on other critical tasks
ABB Ability™ Monitoring Service gives users of motors, drives and their driven equipment access to a network of remotely located ABB experts. These engineers proactively track the performance of assets, provide regular reports, trigger early warnings and highlight areas for improvement. ABB Ability™ Monitoring Service offers peace of mind and enables in-house service personnel to focus on other critical tasks.
ABB Ability™ Digital Powertrain services can be included in a Motion OneCare agreement.