ABB University United States

An organization brought together to deliver your training needs 

We understand the importance of delivering high quality training to provide skills and knowledge for the field.  Training is offered at our training centers, locally at your plant site, and even online.

Check out! - MyLearning new User Interface

Get ready to experience a refreshed layout with many extra capabilities and much more intuitive navigation ( The changes to our user interface align with industry best practices and trends in learning and development designed to provide you with easy-to-consume content all in one place – no more searching through page after page of a course catalog. When you visit MyLearning you will now land on a single page that puts everything at your fingertips, including a training dashboard, new search functionality, and a simple shopping cart approach to enrolling in new courses.
To find out more, check out this video, take a look at this PowerPoint or comprehensive manual and take a tour of the new and improved MyLearning today!


Training by product or system
Course offerings
Select from one of our product or system offerings to find specific training information including courses, programs, course schedules, pricing, and training centers.