Local Connectivities in Field Information Manager

ABB Field Information Manager Learning Center

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Field Information Manager supports various local connectivities.
Local Communication Servers allow connections to devices by using a supported local modem.
HART isHRT FDI Communication Server

The HART isHRT FDI Communication Server allows connections to HART field devices by using a supported local HART modem.

Supported HART modems:

  • ABB NDA121-NX USB (Ex ia)
  • Thorsis isHRT USB
  • Thorsis isHRT USBeX
  • Thorsis H@RT BluePack

Other modems require a manual modem driver installation.
The supported baud rates are: 1200, 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200.

PROFIBUS isPro FDI Communication Server

The PROFIBUS isPro FDI Communication Server allows connections to PROFIBUS devices by using a supported local PROFIBUS modem.

Supported PROFIBUS modems:

  • Thorsis isPro USBx12
  • Thorsis isPro USBv4
UMC USB Serial Communication Server
The UMC USB Serial Communication Servers allows connections to UMC field devices using a supported local UMC modem.


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