Freelance DCS at Byworth Boilers

A robust solution to assist with plant uptime, and remote access to ensure high service levels


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Byworth has taken a root and branch approach in upgrading its boiler house control solution with the Freelance DCS.

Current integrated systems are simply not using the data they collect in an effective manner

Byworth had to find the best route to this vision, with choices in control hardware, functional specification, software design and initial commissioning.

Several technologies were evaluated which resulted in the ABB Freelance system being selected because of its advanced functionality, DCS structure of all-in-one database, compact size, ease of programming and change management, and also cost.

After investigating channels for system implementation of their own functional design they made the decision that it would be more efficient to undertake this task in-house where their  considerable boiler expertise could readily be deployed within the solution.

The system was developed by Mr Jason Atkinson of Byworth who said, “The week long ABB training course gave me the underpinning knowledge to commence on an initial six month development  program”.

Jason started with Byworth as an apprentice and has obtained a great understanding of boiler control techniques, from his time on the service team he gained new insight of the benefits that a modern control and monitoring system can provide for Byworth service and also for the end user customer satisfaction.

Main facts

Industry OEM
Customer Byworth Boiliers Ltd.
Country United Kingdom

The Freelance DCS with:

System integrator
Byworth Boiliers Ltd.

Upgrading boiler house control solution
Byworth Boilers decided to design control solution in-house where their considerable boiler expertise could readily be deployed
Jason Atkinson, Byworth Boilers
"The week long ABB training course gave me the underpinning knowledge to commence on an initial six month development program.”

Freelance DCS: ease of use, scalability, reliability and extensive features

From a central user interface, a built-in touch screen, or remotely via PC, Tablet or Smartphone, UNITY operators can view processed boiler house data and trends relating to numerous values including:

  • Boiler and Manifold Pressures
  • Boiler Water Levels and Conductivity
  • Hotwell Levels and Temperature
  • Blowdown Temperature
  • Flue Temperature and Gas Analysis
  • Plus several more ancillary values depending upon boiler configuration

All alarms and tests conducted are logged and can be exported to a network printer if required; whilst a straightforward “traffic light” warning system keeps users up-to-date with any changes in plant conditions and draws focus to areas requiring attention or adjustment. This comprehensive, “joined up” approach to the management of multiple processes gives UNITY its unique advantage over other control systems, which typically employ third party applications to control each aspect of the boiler house.

The new Boiler generation created with Freelance offers enhanced control and is also information-rich, which assists all stakeholders in developing key insight into the behaviour of their critical boiler house assets at all times, improving energy efficiency and improving availability.

Adrian Rhodes, Technical Director, Byworth Boilers
“The ABB system has allowed us to develop the next generation of boiler control and monitoring, which monitors and improves energy efficiency, provides a robust solution to assist with plant uptime, and remote access to ensure high service levels.”

End user perspective

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