Product Contacts 🔒
Satt is a widely installed and actively supported ABB DCS. It is used by many customers that plan to stay on the platform for several years to come. The addition of the SattLine CPU80 controller and new types of communication hardware modules enables a stepwise upgrade of classic SattLine controller and also stepwise upgrade to the S800 I/O. This enhances the Satt portfolio to meet increased demands for a compact high performance controller for the medium and large process industries, with a drastically increased system life expectance.
ABB recommends to cover each Satt installation with an Automation Sentinel subscription - to keep it secure and up-to-date with evaluated patches and access relevant information via myABB / My Control System. Satt system owners, operators and engineers will be able to download documentation relating to their specific system identity (SID), run system benchmark and fingerprint reports and access all relevant safety reports and alerts. Spare Parts availability is secured according to life cycle plans (see Deliver & Support tab) and can be complemented with other Spare Parts Services:
Our strategy is clear– ‘only evolve what is needed and when it makes sound economic sense’. HMI Evolution Services by INOPC, Bangalore 🔒 and Hardware Upgrade Offerings for ABB control systems🔒 together with Automation Sentinel will make it more favorable for customers to modernize Satt control systems.
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