ABB Ability™ System 800xA® 6.2

Meet tomorrow's automation project challenges, today

System 800xA 6.2 is available for new and existing installations demonstrating ABB’s commitment to solving automation execution, integration, and cost of ownership challenges.

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Empowering automation with enhanced features

With digital transformation gaining momentum, more automation projects are embracing network centric I/O and smart device implementations. System 800xA 6.2 includes new features and performance enhancements to tackle what end users and system integrators deal with when engineering automation projects today and in the future.

Also includes support for the latest technology trends and standards, quality enhancements, and lifecycle updates to ensure safe and secure, 24/7 operations.

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Ensures dependable, safe and secure operations
Reduces overall cost of automation system ownership
Reduces complexity for automation projects

System 800xA 6.2 benefits

3rd party software evolution

System 800xA 6.2 includes lifecycle updates for key software components such as VMware vSphere 8 and Microsoft Office 2021.

Seamless OS integration

System 800xA 6.2 simultaneously supports the coexistence of both Windows 2022 and 2019 server and corresponding Windows 10 client LTSC versions in the same 800xA installation to allow for flexible upgrade/update paths.

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