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Don't miss out. The European Pulp and Paper Tour at ZELLCHEMING Expo 2025. Be part of it!

Are you interested in a face-to-face discussion?

With a fully integrated demo truck highlighting ABB's innovative electrification and automation solutions, we're here to show you how to take your mill to the next level of profitability.

This year's trade show topics include:

  • Bioeconomy - circular economy based on renewable raw materials and careful use of resources as well as opportunities for climate-neutral production of cellulose fiber-based products and materials.
  • Digitalization - paper industry as a leading process industry
  • Maintenance & Service - as a key topic with a view on efficiency and productivity
  • Sustainable packaging solutions - including securing and expanding the raw material base (recycled fibers)

We are looking forward to meeting you!
Your ABB team 

July 1 - 3, 2025

Rhein-Main Congress-Center
Hall "North", Booth 30
65185 Wiesbaden

Further information and highlights

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