Mining conveyor instrumentation

Mining conveyor systems operate in tough conditions, and require instrumentation solutions that are certified to international standards. ABB’s field-proven sensor technology meets those standards and is specifically designed to perform in harsh environments.

Selection of the right instrumentation directly impacts performance, flexibility of operation, efficiency, reliability and overall life cycle costs of any conveyor system. The conveyor’s controller to be effective, measurements such as weight, volume, temperature, vibration, belt position and thickness, etc. must be taken in the right way. Our highly accurate sensor technologies provide exact measurement values, consistently delivering the correct data to the operation system.

Mining conveyor instrumentation incorporates all sensors and switches as well as actuators to protect the conveyor’s mechanics and costly belt. Important features are, for example:

  • tramp metal detection,
  • belt misalignment avoidance and detection,
  • slip detection and control,
  • belt wear monitoring,
  • belt rip and splice damage detection, and
  • chute overfilling avoidance.

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