Conductivity transmitters

ABB conductivity analyzers are designed to meet the most exacting requirements of our valued customers. The extensive range covers 2 and 4-wire analyzers and single or dual-input devices.

Our hazardous area certifications embrace FM, CSA and CENELEC ATEX intrinsic safety. Instruments are available with HART, Profibus PA or DP, and Foundation Fieldbus communications capabilities.

2-Electrode Contacting Cells - Range 0 to 10,000 µS/cm
High accuracy technique for trace conductivities from ultrapure water to industrial rinse waters. An alternating current is passed between two electrodes in contact with a solution. The transmitter converts the resultant potential difference into conductivity, concentration or specific resistance.

4-Electrode Contacting Cells - Range 0 to 2,000 mS/cm
Auto-compensating technology for high level conductivity and concentration measurements in high-coating processes. Provides an alarm when cleaning is required.

Electrodeless sensors - Range 0 to 2,000 mS/cm
Non-contact technique providing immunity to polarisation, oily fouling and non-conducting coatings until gross fouling occurs. Measurement of the magnitude of induced current into a closed loop of solution using two embedded toroids.

United States Pharmacopœia <645>
Traceable calibration instruments for WFI and PW processes in the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Our offering