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MyABB/My Control System

My Control System is available in the myABB-business portal and provides ABB control system owners, operators and engineers a unified interface to all of their ABB installed control products and systems.

Are you looking for support or purchase information?

The myABB/My Control System customer self-service tool, available 24/7, offers you a single point of online access to information, services and service contacts for the ABB family of control systems and all ABB products. 

You’ll quickly find that new myABB/ My Control System web portal is a great way to increase your productivity, minimize cost, and extend the useful life of your ABB control products and systems.

  • Stay updated with email notifications and receive relevant information for selected systems (SIDs). Notifications may be configured for different control system families and/or other ABB products.
  • Access to relevant subscriptions and software licenses of the control system: Scope of licenses, expiry dates, license key, license certificate
  • Check software status of the control system, quickly access to relevant safety reports, alerts or product documents
  • Improve performance by continuously enhancing the control system with system specific software updates, see the overall health and equipment status of your system
  • Protect the ABB control system against malware infection and cyber-attacks with the latest Microsoft® security updates and verified 3rd party Antivirus files - validated by ABB for relevance and system compatibility with ABB control system software

What's inside the myABB/My Control System portal?

My Control System is a valuable source for maintenance information and for enhancement of the control system and provides ready answers to frequently asked questions, thus reducing the effort spent looking for information and shortening software delivery times. All relevant ABB control system information is in one place and just a couple of mouse clicks away. A basic version of My Control System (limited access) will be provided to all ABB control system customers. 

Automation Software Maintenance subscribers will enjoy premium access, which includes features such as software downloads, access to validated security updates and documentation already filtered for each system.

Basic access and features in My Control System available for all ABB control system users:

  • My system licenses / Automation Software Maintenance status
  • System details page
  • Access to subscriptions and software licenses of the installed control system(s)
  • System Scan: automated collection of control system data with software tool, analyzed and presented as an overview of system performance, software and lifecycle status.
  • System Benchmark: comprehensive diagnostic analysis of the control system showing the system status and highlighting deviations and potential risks in a “traffic light” format (green, yellow, or red)Key Performance Indicator (KPI) violations are accompanied by short text explanations.
  • Cyber security related information, recommendations and downloads
  • Contact information of designated ABB Service organization
  • My safety reports / My product alerts
  • Available training courses

Premium access for systems covered with valid Automation Software Maintenance subscription:

  • Software maintenance for the current version of installed software products, including service packs, patches and updates.
  • Software upgrades: access to new software versions of installed control system (depending on Automation Software Maintenance level)
  • Cyber Security Premium: Validation results and downloadable qualified third party security updates from Microsoft / McAfee ePO policies/ Symantec definition files 
  • Documentation pre-filtered for installation: User manuals, data sheets, product updates

    myABB/My Control System is the delivery platform for Advanced Digital Services to visualize and analyze your control system performance, software, security and lifecycle status.

    Advanced Digital Services are remote-enabled, software-assisted services that generate actionable insights to optimize operations, increase productivity and system reliability. These services uncover issues that limit current system performance to implement time- and money-saving improvements and extend the life of your assets. Data from your installed control system is collected and analyzed, the results are then presented via myABB/My Control System online and/or in reports. 

    • System Fingerprint: Advanced diagnostic analysis of the performance of the control system to quickly close performance gaps. KPI violations are listed with detailed descriptions, explanations, findings, impacts, specific corrective actions, recommendations, and document references.
    • System Assessment: detailed and comprehensive inspection evaluation of critical areas that affect system performance, including hardware, software and firmware, system and Ethernet communications, and current maintenance practices. The Assessment report presents the evaluated findings and gives detailed interpretation and further recommendations in order to reach maximum system performance. 

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