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System Fingerprint, a diagnostic analysis with detailed interpretation of the findings

System Fingerprint interprets the findings and gives further recommendations in order to reach maximum system performance.

The System Fingerprint provides a comprehensive diagnostic analysis of the installed ABB control system. Different parameters are read from the installed system and compared to ABB requirements and best practices. Non-optimal system states and settings are automatically identified. As result, the Fingerprint report presents the evaluated findings and gives detailed interpretation and further recommendations in order to reach maximum system performance. 
The System Fingerprint is delivered by a trained ABB engineer. Recommendations for improvements in the Fingerprint report are prioritized, with recommendations that deliver the greatest benefits first. 


  • Easy-to-use tool for system data collection (onsite or remotely)
  • System Fingerprint Report, available on My Control System web-platform, simplifies management decision process by focusing on high impact opportunities for improvement 
  • Improvement plan provides clear path to quickly closing performance gaps 
  • Detection of hidden degradation before problems occur, adopting a proactive maintenance strategy.
  • Rapid response in case of troubleshooting and corrective actions.
  • Provides a solid foundation for continuous improvement based on data analysis methodology.  
Performing a deep system analysis
The analysis provides much more than a “Go / No-go” analysis. The resulting Fingerprint Report starts with an executive summary, pointing out the most important and urgent corrective actions (as far as necessary). It provides all the findings in summary and in detail. For each finding there is a technical description with impact and severity discussion, and proposals for actions to be carried out.

ABB Local Service will present the System Fingerprint Report to the customer in a meeting. This gives the opportunity to discuss possible Return on the automation Investment (ROI) impacts, and agree, if necessary, in an action plan to improve system reliability, availability and operational performance to its best. 
Example of Fingerprint Report

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