Shore connection is decarbonizing port calls

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ABB’s high competence in electrical safety and safety standards are in place globally.


ABB delivers shore connection and charging solutions for different vessel types enabling fully electric operations to support decarbonization targets.


Cutting the local emissions in ports where ships can connect to shore power and even charge batteries for electric ship operations, with equipment that has the strictest regulatory compliance.


ABB delivers standardized quality systems, serving operations 24/7 with technical support and remote diagnostics.


ABB to lead turnkey project for largest shore-to-ship solution in France

ABB is providing shore-to-ship power connection for ferries and cruise ships in Port of Toulon, cutting emissions and noise during port stays. Port of Toulon, which handles over 1.6 million ferry and cruise passengers annually, has committed to ABB Shore Connection technology which will eliminate more than 80 percent of pollutant emissions and save 9,000 hours of vessels running on diesel annually. ABB is leading the consortium selected to manage and execute this turnkey project, with commissioning due in 2023. 

Click here for more

Available technology for onshore and onboard

CO2e calculator for Shore Connection

The proof is in the numbers

Find out how much CO2e emissions you potentially could reduce on your vessel by supplying electric power from a shore connection, which pulls power from the utility grid, compared to generating electric power from the generators onboard.

Fill in the main operational details of your vessel. The calculator will estimate how much CO2e emissions and energy consumption you can expect to reduce.

Azipod® propulsion

This calculator showcases the estimated reduction of CO2e emissions as a result of powering a vessel with Azipod® propulsion compared to a similar vessel powered by shaft line propellers and is based on typical scenarios calculated for cruises, yachts, ferries, and offshore vessels. This calculator could also be applicable for other vessels with a similar operational profile.

Tooltip Please select the most relevant vessel type for your application. This will provide you with a realistic sample scenario and you may adjust values from there. You may also select Other if your vessel type is not listed.

Please select the most relevant vessel type for your application. This will provide you with a realistic sample scenario and you may adjust values from there. You may also select Other if your vessel type is not listed.


Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0-1000
Tooltip Please insert the average propulsion power within annual operating hours.
20% 90%

Tooltip Please insert hours during one year when propulsion is in operation (e.g., port stays excluded).


Please enter annual operating hours. Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0 - 8760
Tooltip Please insert most commonly used fuel type.
Tooltip Please insert fuel consumption during the average operation power in annual operation (as inserted above). Note! This may differ from engine maker SFOC value.


Please enter fuel consumption. Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0 - 20000 Please enter value in the range of 0 - 500
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No expected reduction

Unfortunately, there are no expected reduction of CO2e emissions from this vessel operation scenario.

Please modify some of the input parameters or contact us below for further support on identifying the most suitable solution to reduce emissions and energy consumption for your vessel.


A connection problem has occurred. Please try again later.

Potential emission reduction
Tooltip The emission savings are calculated on TTW (tank-to-wake) basis, including only fuel use-phase emissions. ABB strives to provide full lifecycle (WTW, well-to-wake) emission savings in the future.

kt CO2e
Potential energy savings
Tooltip Energy and emission savings are based on ABB’s internal calculations, combining actual and simulated vessel data. They may be more or less depending on vessel type and individual characteristics.


Disclaimer: The calculator provides a rough estimate for illustrative purposes only. Click here to get the details.

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Energy storage

This calculator showcases the estimated reduction of CO2e emissions as a result of a vessel fully powered with batteries, charged from the shore energy grid, compared to the same vessel powered by a typical combustion engine using VLSFO, MGO or LNG as fuel.

Tooltip Please select the most relevant vessel type for your application. This will provide you with a realistic sample scenario and you may adjust values from there. You may also select Other if your vessel type is not listed.

Please select the most relevant vessel type for your application. This will provide you with a realistic sample scenario and you may adjust values from there. You may also select Other if your vessel type is not listed.


Please enter installed total propulsion power Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0-1000
Tooltip Please insert the average vessel power within annual operating hours.
20% 90%

Tooltip Please insert hours during one year when propulsion is in operation (e.g., port stays excluded).


Please enter annual operating hours. Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0 - 8760
Tooltip Please insert most commonly used fuel type.
Tooltip Please insert fuel consumption during the average operation power in annual operation (as inserted above). Note! This may differ from engine maker SFOC value.


Please enter fuel consumption.. Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0 - 20000 Please enter value in the range of 0 - 500
Tooltip Please insert all countries where vessel can be charged. When an operating country is selected, the emission savings results are based on country electricity emissions from 2023 by International Energy Agency (IEA). The calculator divides evenly between selected options. If you want to see how big the impact is on IMO’s Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), select option ‘IMO CII calculation’ method, which always assumes shore electricity emissions to be zero. Note that this may differ from engine maker SFOC value.
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No expected reduction

Unfortunately, there are no expected reduction of CO2e emissions from this vessel operation scenario.

Please modify some of the input parameters or contact us below for further support on identifying the most suitable solution to reduce emissions and energy consumption for your vessel.


A connection problem has occurred. Please try again later.

Potential emission reduction
Tooltip The emission savings are calculated on TTW (tank-to-wake) basis, including only fuel use-phase emissions. ABB strives to provide full lifecycle (WTW, well-to-wake) emission savings in the future.

kt CO2e

Disclaimer: The calculator provides a rough estimate for illustrative purposes only. Click here to get the details.

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Onboard DC Grid

This calculator showcases the estimated reduction of CO2e emissions as a result of applying the variable speed function on Onboard DC Grid for internal combustion engines, compared to a fixed speed function.

Tooltip Please select the most relevant vessel type for your application. This will provide you with a realistic sample scenario and you may adjust values from there. You may also select Other if your vessel type is not listed.

Please select the most relevant vessel type for your application. This will provide you with a realistic sample scenario and you may adjust values from there. You may also select Other if your vessel type is not listed.


Please enter total installed power of vessel Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0-1000
Tooltip Please insert the average propulsion power within annual operating hours.
20% 90%

Tooltip Please insert hours during one year when propulsion is in operation (e.g., port stays excluded).


Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0 - 8760
Tooltip Please insert most commonly used fuel type.
Tooltip Please insert fuel consumption during the average operation power in annual operation (as inserted above). Note! This may differ from engine maker SFOC value.


Please enter fuel consumption.. Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0 - 20000 Please enter value in the range of 0 - 500
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No expected reduction

Unfortunately, there are no expected reduction of CO2e emissions from this vessel operation scenario.

Please modify some of the input parameters or contact us below for further support on identifying the most suitable solution to reduce emissions and energy consumption for your vessel.


A connection problem has occurred. Please try again later.

Potential emission reduction
Tooltip The emission savings are calculated on TTW (tank-to-wake) basis, including only fuel use-phase emissions. ABB strives to provide full lifecycle (WTW, well-to-wake) emission savings in the future.

kt CO2e
Potential energy savings
Tooltip Energy and emission savings are based on ABB’s internal calculations, combining actual and simulated vessel data. They may be more or less depending on vessel type and individual characteristics.


Disclaimer: The calculator provides a rough estimate for illustrative purposes only. Click here to get the details.

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Shaft generator

This calculator showcases the estimated reduction in CO2e emissions as a result of installing a shaft generator on the main engine shaft compared to auxiliary generators driven by the auxiliary engines.

Tooltip Please select the most relevant vessel type for your application. This will provide you with a realistic sample scenario and you may adjust values from there. You may also select Other if your vessel type is not listed.

Please select the most relevant vessel type for your application. This will provide you with a realistic sample scenario and you may adjust values from there. You may also select Other if your vessel type is not listed.


Please enter installed shaft generator power Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0-1000
Tooltip Please insert the average shaft generator power within annual operating hours.
20% 90%

Tooltip Please insert operating hours during one year (e.g., port stays excluded).


Please enter annual operating hours. Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0 - 8760

Auxiliary Engine

Tooltip Please insert most commonly used fuel type for auxiliary engine.
Tooltip Please insert auxiliary engine fuel consumption during the average shaft generator operation (as inserted above). Note! This may differ from SFOC value.


Please enter fuel consumption.. Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0 - 20000 Please enter value in the range of 0 - 500

Main Engine

Tooltip Please insert main engine average power when shaft generator is running.


Please enter avg. vessel operation power of main engine Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0-1000
Tooltip Please insert fuel consumption change of main engine due to increased load from shaft generator use. Increase in main engine load moves the operating point on fuel consumption curve. This is typically in the range of 1%, when main engine operation is roughly 40-55%.


Please enter fuel consumption improvement of main engine Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0 - 20
Tooltip Please insert most commonly used fuel type for main engine.
Tooltip Please insert main engine fuel consumption when shaft generator is running.


Please enter fuel consumption.. Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0 - 20000 Please enter value in the range of 0 - 500
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No expected reduction

Unfortunately, there are no expected reduction of CO2e emissions from this vessel operation scenario.

Please modify some of the input parameters or contact us below for further support on identifying the most suitable solution to reduce emissions and energy consumption for your vessel.


A connection problem has occurred. Please try again later.

Potential emission reduction
Tooltip The emission savings are calculated on TTW (tank-to-wake) basis, including only fuel use-phase emissions. ABB strives to provide full lifecycle (WTW, well-to-wake) emission savings in the future.

kt CO2e
Potential energy savings
Tooltip Energy and emission savings are based on ABB’s internal calculations, combining actual and simulated vessel data. They may be more or less depending on vessel type and individual characteristics.


Disclaimer: The calculator provides a rough estimate for illustrative purposes only. Click here to get the details.

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Shore connection

This calculator showcases the estimated reduction of CO2e emissions as a result of supplying electric power from a shore connection, which pulls power from the utility grid, compared to generating electric power from the generators onboard.

Tooltip Please select the most relevant vessel type for your application. This will provide you with a realistic sample scenario and you may adjust values from there. You may also select Other if your vessel type is not listed.

Please select the most relevant vessel type for your application. This will provide you with a realistic sample scenario and you may adjust values from there. You may also select Other if your vessel type is not listed.


Please enter total installed shore connection power Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0-1000
Tooltip Please insert the power transfer within annual operating hours.
20% 90%

Tooltip Please insert hours during one year when propulsion is in operation (e.g., port stays excluded).


Please enter annual power transferred from shore Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0 - 8760
Tooltip Please insert most commonly used fuel type.
Tooltip Please insert fuel consumption during the average operation power in annual operation (as inserted above). Note! This may differ from engine maker SFOC value.


Please enter fuel consumption.. Please enter numeric value only Please enter value in the range of 0 - 20000 Please enter value in the range of 0 - 500
Tooltip Please insert all countries where vessel can be charged. When an operating country is selected, the emission savings results are based on country electricity emissions from 2023 by International Energy Agency (IEA). The calculator divides evenly between selected options. If you want to see how big the impact is on IMO’s Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), select option ‘IMO CII calculation’ method, which always assumes shore electricity emissions to be zero. Note that this may differ from engine maker SFOC value.
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Do you have questions or would like to discuss the results with us?

No expected reduction

Unfortunately, there are no expected reduction of CO2e emissions from this vessel operation scenario.

Please modify some of the input parameters or contact us below for further support on identifying the most suitable solution to reduce emissions and energy consumption for your vessel.


A connection problem has occurred. Please try again later.

Potential emission reduction
Tooltip The emission savings are calculated on TTW (tank-to-wake) basis, including only fuel use-phase emissions. ABB strives to provide full lifecycle (WTW, well-to-wake) emission savings in the future.

kt CO2e

Disclaimer: The calculator provides a rough estimate for illustrative purposes only. Click here to get the details.

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How the port city of Marseille is cutting ships' emissions

With some 10,000 ships visiting Marseille every year, this is one of the busiest ports in the Mediterranean. And with all those ships needing power while in port, air and noise pollution has been a challenge for city authorities. But now a new technology from ABB is helping cut those port emissions…to nothing.

Learn more in this interview with representatives from the local port authorities, one ship operator and our local expertise in France regarding the shore connection in the port of Marseille.

More about Shore Connection

Pollution in cities surrounding busy harbors is largely due to vessels docking to ports. With the ability to connect to shore power the emissions could be cut significantly.

Passenger vessels with the need to keep the hotel load in use throughout the 'port call' are contributing on a high level to the increasing levels of greenhouse gases in cities around the world.

Find out more about shore connection solutions in this brochure.


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