Enhancing electrical safety and reliability of protection during earth faults

Power distribution systems are undergoing a major evolution with distributed generation from renewables gaining ground as part of the energy mix. Energy demand is continually rising and so is the demand for higher reliability and availability of energy supply. This change calls for increasing the level and degree of automation in today's distribution networks.

To meet these requirements, ABB has a wide portfolio of products offering advanced fault location with unequaled accuracy for optimal fault management.

The latest addition to the portfolio is touch voltage-based earth-fault current protection function IFPTOC, which has been introduced to solve the challenges for earth-fault protection and electrical safety due to large-scale underground cabling. With this novel method both dependable and precisely timed protection operation can be ensured in compliance with the applied legislation during all possible operating conditions.  

Watch on-demand webinar: ABB’s new touch voltage-based earth-fault current protection IFPTOC
Watch this video about how network operators can ensure optimal balance between electrical safety and supply continuity.
Please get in touch with us with any questions about our earth-fault protection portfolio.
Download our technical paper to learn more about IFPTOC. 

Earth-fault protection in power networks

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