ABB mine hoist safety products

ABB Ability Safety Plus for hoists

At ABB, we do not compromise on safety. We offer a comprehensive portfolio of hoist safety products to enable you to run safe, reliable and productive operations.


The table below provides an overview of our different hoist monitoring solutions and the various functionalities.

Note: The brake control and monitoring systems are separate hoist safety products. The SPHP includes this as a subsystem.
  NGX Hoist
Safety Plus Hoist Monitor
Safety Plus Hoist Monitor Extended (SPHM-XT) Safety Plus Hoist Protector (SPHP)
Friction, single drum and double drum hoist support
Blair multi-rope hoist support  
People, material, combined, shaft sinking and rescue support
Monitoring of:


Overspeed, overtravel (encoder and switch), direction, broken drive chain and safe bypassing

Overspeed near or below the stage or galloway, sinking hoists; two hoists in the same shaft interlock

Friction hoists: rope slip, worn friction linings

Drum hoists: rope miscoiling, slack rope (aperture), unclutched drum moves

Position and speed diagnostics, e.g., synchronization and checkpoint switches, cross-checks with the hoist controller

System diagnostics, e.g., power supply, cabinet temperature

Rope load monitoring for slack rope, tight rope and unequal rope load *


Headframe instrumentation: emergency stop pushbuttons, start interlock from remote hoist lockout switches


Conveyance instrumentation including cage holding, e-stops, hoist lockout, slack rope, tight rope, cage doors closed, cage door locks, skip doors *


Interface with separate lock bell system **


With extra remote I/O nodes, shaft instrumentation: emergency stop pushbuttons, remote hoist lockout switches, shaft gate switches and gate locks, hoist block devices, chairing beams/platforms, conveyance boarding platforms, inspection platforms, shaft doors, tail rope wander, underwind switch


With extra remote I/O nodes, local and remote desks: e-stop, hoist lockout

Local and remote desk support for operation and transport mode selection R
PROFIsafe communication with shaft and remote desk remote I/O nodes    
Support for project-specific safety functions integration
SIL certified as a subsystem according to IEC 62061   ***
Integration with non-SPBS brake systems and other (non-ABB) drives  
Integration with Safety Plus Brake System (SPBS) and ABB Drives      
SIL certified as safety functions according to IEC 62061, up to and including application and monitoring of the safety brakes and motor torque removal
HMI visualization of actual data and settings via CP600 Control Panel
Variants including LV or ELV, air conditioning
iba-DAQ inside the cubicle (option)      
Cubicle dimensions (WxHxD) Wall mounted:
 Wall mounted:

Floor mounted:
 Floor mounted:
 Floor mounted:

* Boundary of certified safety function excludes loadcells and signal conversion/transmission equipment via the conveyance radio system or head sheave loadcell monitoring
** Boundary of certified safety function excludes external lock bell components
*** Certified as a subsystem for functions where the sensor subsystem is excluded, e.g., conveyance instrumentation
◐ The monitoring function needs to also be done by the hoist controller

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