Emission Monitoring

ABB CEMS have evolved over decades to become best-in-class solutions. They are used in tens of thousands of industrial plants worldwide to measure and report regulated emissions to air.

ABB's technical support centers and field service teams are staffed by some of the world‘s leading CEMS experts. And our digital solutions really give you the edge. It adds up to unrivaled value for money and cost-effective compliance.

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Working with you to ensure cost-effective compliance

One-stop comprehensive solution

Solutions for every industry sector

The complexity of CEMS is diverse. From simpler systems for natural gas fired boilers to measure carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxides of nitrogen to highly sophisticated systems for waste incineration plants measuring exotic pollutants such as hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride and ammonia. The good news is that ABB has the products, expertise and backup services to ensure your CEMS success in each of these fields. And in every case, from the most basic systems to the most complex, we will customize the solution to deliver unrivalled value for your money.

Power generation & waste incineration

CEMS for coal, gas, biomass and waste fired plants. Combustion process control gas analyzers

Metals & minerals

CEMS for steel making and cement, including combustion of waste and biomass

Refineries, chemicals, pulp & paper

CEMS for fired heaters, SMRs and steam boilers. Combustion and general process control gas analyzers

Marine shipping

CEMS for exhaust gas monitoring and process control gas analyzers for SCR DeNOx control

Measuring for clean air: Continuous emission monitoring solutions


Download ABB CEMS guides

Discover how ABB reduces the total cost of ownership for CEMS while pioneering efficiency and precision. Allow us to assist you in selecting the optimal analyzer tailored to your specific requirements. You will find all this and more in our CEMS Customer Information Guide and CEMS Selection Guide. Click on the link below to download.

Emission monitoring technology for a changing world

Throughout the world, industrial companies that generate emissions are required to ensure that pollutants are within specified limits. Each country has laws and regulations for emission monitoring and control. The ABB CEMS range meets legal requirements, measuring all types of emissions from stacks around the world.

The most stringent requirements are reserved for plants using waste incineration, such as cement plants. As these facilities are heavily monitored, the ABB ACF5000, based on FTIR technology, is the ideal solution, measuring 15 components simultaneously. When new components become mandatory or emission limits change, the ACF5000 can be adjusted by a mere software upgrade.

The ABB EasyLine range is ideal in applications where measurements are limited to carbon monoxide (monitoring only), oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide and oxygen for normalizing emission to reference concentration.

ABB also offers a combination of NDIR, UV, paramagnetic, and FID and Laser technologies using the Uras, Limas, Magnos, Fidas  and LS25 modules. With the exception of LS25, all  gas analyzer modules can be integrated into the  Advance Optima or EasyLine ranges. The most suitable configuration is determined depending on specific local requirements. In case a standard plug-and-play version is preferred, ABB’s AO2000 system is an integrated solution with a cabinet containing all parts for the correct sampling.

Every ABB analyzer used for CEMS has been independently tested and certified by TÜV or MCERTS in Europe. Additional local certification is also available, so that ABB CEMS can be deployed on every continent. If no certification is required, a comparison measurement test will show that ABB’s analyzers are fit for purpose, such as with the RATA testing in the United States.

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