Measuring for clean air: Continuous emission monitoring solutions

Reducing harmful emissions has never been more urgent. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the demand for continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) is growing worldwide. It is driven by increasing regulation and stricter enforcement, as well as by public pressure on industries to operate sustainably.

ABB is at the forefront of emission monitoring, empowering industrial companies to keep the air clean and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With 70,000 systems installed in more than 50 countries, ABB is a global leader in emission control, proud to serve 15 percent of the global market.


Comprehensive portfolio for meeting emission monitoring requirements
Data Acquisition and Handling System for reporting to authorities
Service and support options that add value
Pioneering digital software solutions

Let ABB assist you in continuous emission monitoring

Download our CEMS Customer Information Guide and CEMS Selection Guide to find out how we can help


CEMS Customer Information Guide

Discover how ABB lowers the overall cost of ownership of CEMS and is leading the way in making continuous emission monitoring efficient and precise. Learn how we can support you with solutions aligned with evolving government regulations and organizational sustainability mandates.

CEMS Selection Guide

Let us guide you through the process of choosing the right analyzer for your needs. Based on the required emission components, this interactive guide will help you make the right selection. If a turn-key solution is preferred, we will guide you to select the right multi-component plug-and-play solution.

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