Environmental impact report

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Environmental impact report

The environmental impact of our services

At ABB, we are committed to providing our customers with transparent and comprehensive information regarding the environmental impact of our electrification services. This initiative is part of our dedication to customer service and sustainability. By measuring the environmental footprint of our services, we enable you to select the most sustainable solutions from our offerings.

In the final section of your quotation, you find one or more pages detailing the estimated environmental impact, including CO2 equivalent emissions (CO2e) for the requested service solutions.

In this report, ABB clearly estimates the environmental impact of each product and solution in the offering,

The environmental impact is also influenced by the quantity of items requested. Please note that, in some cases, certain products or solutions may not be fully mapped due to local customization, though we are actively working to provide complete data.
The calculated environmental impact applies only to the ABB electrification services portfolio.


Our environmental impact calculations are supported by several globally renowned emission factor databases, ensuring accuracy and reliability.  

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ABB Electrification Service
Our everyday heroes

What does the phrase 'everyday hero' mean to you? At ABB Electrification Service, we think it means someone who is continuously working to help our customers achieve maximized energy efficiency. It means someone who advocates for safe, sustainable energy. It means someone who is ready, day or night, to help keep the lights on.

Electrification service2

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