Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

Reliable comfort in buildings

Having pleasant climate conditions in a room is essential for feeling at ease. And it takes more than just setting the right temperatur - the right amount of fresh air, and the right level of ventilation are just as important. ABB's solution takes all aspects into account while optimizing your utility bills. 

Saving Energy with Automation

No matter how warm you like it - when no one is at home, there is no need for the heating to be turned on. With ABB it is possible to preprogram a heating profile in accordance with your daily habits. This way you decrease your heating costs without compromising any comfort. 
Sometimes, we would like to open the window just for a couple of minutes to let some fresh air into our house. A Smart Home by ABB is intelligent enough to switch off the heating for this period of time. And in case you forget to close it again, the heating remains switched off, so no energy is wasted


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