Process control and automation solutions for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)

Our experienced personnel, with direct access to the thousands of reliable, quality built ABB parts, will help you develop customized integrated automation and conrol solutions to provide the most reliable design at the lowest cost.

Working in partnership with each Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) customer, ABB has both the background to understand OEM customers’ needs and the capability to develop solutions to meet their requirements.

As a one-stop-shop from feasibility studies to post-startup service support, ABB engineers work to develop the best solution for our OEM partners by developing a plan through a series of stages: planning, standardization, overall project management, engineering services for automation and control solutions, procurement of controllers, cabinets, components and ancillary equipment (e.g. cabinet HVAC, etc.), panel assembly and/or fabrication, inspection, certification, installation, commissioning and post-project services.


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