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Modernization and performance improvement for drives

Optimal performance and lifetime extensions

When your drives are reaching the end of their life cycle, it is time to modernize them. ABB offers various service options to modernize your equipment. These services enable you to return drive equipment back to its original reliability, potentially increasing its performance and providing greater flexibility with new features.

We support you to find the right solution

You understand your equipment and the needs of your business. We can ensure that you have multiple options to manage the reliability of your equipment. We can offer expert advice on the practicalities of the modernization of drives, as well as the implementation and future operation of different solutions. We work with you as a partner, to optimize the solution based on your budgetary requirements.

Key benefits

Are you looking for support or purchase information?

  • Secure operational continuity by extending the lifetime of your drive system
  • Manage component obsolescence with modernization solutions
  • Improve usability and safety with new features
  • Gain reliability and improve performance with proven technology
  • Identify emerging equipment problems before they happen with digital solution


Four options to modernize your drives

ABB can offer four different options to modernize your drive: retrofit, upgrade, replacements and modernization of non-ABB drives. Selecting the best option depends on your own processes, how the drives are used and the types of drives that are in operation.

Modernization services for low voltage AC drives

The ABB LV AC drive modernization service allows you to replace only the essential components of your drive. This means, that the modernization can be undertaken with a minimum interruption to normal operations, and with the investment targeted in the most efficient way possible. The service is very flexible and can be adapted to coincide with your own scheduled shutdowns. Modernization doesn’t require major changes to the current infrastructure, as existing cabinet structures can be used. This will minimize the total investment required for a modernization project.

ACS800 single drives
ACS800 multidrives
ACS600 single drives
ACS600 multidrives
ACW600 water-cooled drives
ACV700/SAMISTAR drives

ACS800 single drive modernization is a fast, flexible, and environment-friendly solution to extend the equipment’s lifetime. The service modernizes the existing ACS800- 07, -17 or-37 drive with digital state-of-the-art ACS880 technology without the need to fully replace the drive cabinet. This optimizes costs and minimizes the downtime of your operations. 


  • Improve performance, usability and safety of your equipment
  • Access to digital services to identify emerging problems before they occur
  • The solution is tested and proven safe by standards and certifications, bringing resilience to the system

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ACS800 multidrive modernization is a fast, flexible, and environment-friendly solution to extend the equipment’s lifetime. The service enables new technology to be incorporated in steps by only replacing components when necessary, rather than the entire drive lineup. This extends the multidrive’s lifetime, while improving its reliability and profitability.


  • Improve the performance and reliability of your ACS800 multidrive
  • Extend the equipment’s lifetime
  • The solution is tested and proven safe by standards and certifications, bringing resilience to the system

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ABB offers a variety of solutions to modernize your existing ACS600 cabinet mounted single drives with ACS880 technology. Depending on the power of the drive, only the drive module and necessary control connections are changed. For larger power units all the components inside the cabinet are retrofitted to ACS880 technology.


  • Extended life cycle of your drive
  • Improved performance, usability and safety of your equipment
  • Access to digital services to identify emerging problems before they occur

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ABB retrofit service is a fast and efficient way to modernize your ACS600 multidrive and bring reliability improvements to your plant and process. The retrofit service can be done in challenging environments and carried out in line with your own production schedules to minimize unexpected downtime and avoid additional maintenance breaks.


  • Extended life cycle of your drive
  • Rapid deployment thanks to gradual modernization
  • Reduced wastage and investment

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ACW600 drives are coming to the end of their life cycle, and it will become difficult to maintain them with normal maintenance programs. ABB enables you to continue to extract value from your asset with retrofit solutions. This service will update the drive to new ACS880 technology with the latest features and change its life-cycle phase back to Active, ensuring the availability of spare parts and technical support.


  • Ensure support for your equipment
  • Perform modernization in places, where it is difficult to access
  • Minimize downtime

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ACV700 and SAMISTAR drives are in the Obsolete life-cycle phase, which means there are no spare parts, maintenance or support services available. With retrofit service, ABB can help you to upgrade these drives back to the Active life-cycle phase and ensure support for years to come.


  • Retrofitting brings reliability improvements to your process
  • Optimized planned downtime
  • Reduce wastage and investment 

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Modernization services for medium voltage drives

The ABB upgrade service unlocks the latest features of MV drives by installing state-of-the art control systems within proven and existing designs. An engineered solution for upgrading MV drives can help minimize investment costs, and reduce the downtime required. This upgrade service can also enhance the efficiency and reliability of your drive, bringing it in-line with the latest advancements in technology.
Consulting services

ACS1000 drive modernization with the “Main Board upgrade (AMC34)” extends the drive´s life cycle support by installing the latest AMC34 control platform, renewal of obsolete components and enhancing with new software features – all at the lowest CO2 emissions. 

    Benefits of “Main Board UG (AMC34)":

    • Up to 10 years longer life cycle support
    • Gateway at highest cyber security
    • Optimized investment costs by bundling with preventive maintenance

    Unlocking services of “Main Board UG (AMC34)":

    • ABB OneCare service agreement on planned services and recovery services
    • EC Fan upgrade
    • ABB AbilityTM Condition Monitoring for drives
    • Transformer protection relay upgrade
    ABB offers a variety of services to maintain the performance of ACS5000 converters to the latest technology. This helps maximize long-term value for your asset and improve operations.
    • Preventive Maintenance kits for ACS5000 Water-Cooled Generation 1
    • Upgrade kits for ACS5000 Water-Cooled Generation 1
    • Preventive Maintenance and Upgrade kits for ACS5000 Air-Cooled


    • Controlled costs
    • Optimized availability
    • Guaranteed life-cycle services
    • Increased reliability


    ACS6000 modernization with UCU-26 is a fast, reliable, and environment friendly solution to extend the drive’s lifetime. The service modernizes the existing ACS6000 medium voltage drive with state-of-the-art UCU-26 control platform, inherited from ACS6080 without the need to fully replace the drive cabinet. The Modernization solution with UCU-26 offers additionally to the well-known DTC (direct torque control) a new control method, the MP3C (model predictive pulse pattern control). It can optimize the efficiency and dynamics of your drive. This is the perfect way to keep highest reliability of the system at the lowest CO₂ emissions, at the same time this Modernization action is extending the drive’s and motor’s life expectancy.


    Benefits  of "Modernization with UCU-26":

    • Up to 50% reduced motor harmonic losses
    • 2-year warranty 
    • Extended life cycle support
    • Optimized maintenance costs
    • Optimized investment costs by bundling with preventive maintenance

    Unlocking services of "Modernization with UCU-26":

    • ABB OneCare service agreement on planned services and recovery services 
    • Power Upgrade
    • Arc Guard System™ Safety upgrade
    • ABB AbilityTM Condition Monitoring for drives


      More information:

      Wind converter PCS6000 modernization with a PEC3 package offers wind farm owners to increase production of electricity and reduce downtime while extending the converter's life expectancy. The modernization package redefines the LCI drive's potential: increasing process power, enhancing reliability and providing advanced cybersecurity. This service is tailor-made for PCS6000 owners.

      Two options of upgrade services are available:

      • Control upgrade 
      • Power upgrade


      • Up to 10% higher production output 
      • Extended equipment lifetime up to 2 times
      • State-of-the-art cybersecurity

      Modernizing a MEGADRIVE-LCI with a PEC3 package offers industrial processes increased production output and reduced CO2 emissions while extending the drive's life expectancy. The modernization package redefines the LCI drive's potential: increasing process power, enhancing reliability and boosting efficiencies.

      Two options of upgrade services are available:

      • Control upgrade (PSR to PEC3)
      • Mainboard upgrade (PEC2 to PEC3)


      • Up to 5% higher production output 
      • Up to 10% lower CO2 emissions
      • Enhanced process reliability
      • Longer equipment lifetime
      • Fast problem solution from remote

      More information:

          We offer a wide spectrum of advanced engineering and consulting services that can help take the performance of your drive system assets to the next level. Be it at the system analysis, setup, optimization, or upgrading phases, our drive system experts can support your team in providing world-class service to ensure that your assets are meeting your needs. 

          Our services include:

          • Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) 
          • Electro-Mechanical System Interaction (EMSI) 
          • Advanced Control Performance Optimization (ACPO) 
          • Advanced Power Factor Improvement (APFI)
          • Behavioral and Real-Time Digital Twins
          • PowerUP


          • Optimal running costs 
          • Minimal  CO2 emissions
          • Maximal output power
          • Optimal decision making for your process

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              Modernization services for DC drives

              Thyristor technology used in DC drives is very robust. However, the control electronics and other components need to be replaced as the drive ages in order to keep it functioning correctly. The DC modernization service will update the essential components of your DC drive to bring it in-line with the latest innovations in DC drive control technology, as well as adding modern features to the existing installation. This minimizes downtime, ensuring your investment is deployed as efficiently as possible.

              Drive replacements

              When a drive needs to be replaced, we help you to select the optimal replacement with the correct features for your application to ensure a seamless transition between old and new product.

              Modernizations for your non-ABB drives

              ABB can also modernize non-ABB drives with selected portfolio products. By using ABB’s modernization services, you can provide the latest technology for your existing non-ABB legacy drives.

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