Power distribution

ABB provides its customers the most comprehensive power distribution offering and helps to address the challenge of balancing rising demand for power with increasing concern for the environment.

ABB’s comprehensive range of medim-voltage products plays a key role in several critical functions in the power distribution network, enabling safe, reliable and efficient passage of electricity. The product range encompasses medium-voltage switchgear, compact secondary substations and electrical houses, primary and secondary distribution equipment components and enclosures from 1 to 52 kV for indoor and outdoor application, protection and control products and solutions and a comprehensive service offering. 

Why ABB?

  • ABB is a pioneer and technology leader in the area of medium-voltage products and solutions 
  • Decades of experience in manufacturing, installing and servicing medium-voltage products 
  • Comprehensive portfolio of medium-voltage products and solutions 
  • Product certifications according to a wide range of international standards including IEC, IEEE, ANSI, GOST
  • Comprehensive portfolio of service offerings that include engineering and consulting, extensions and retrofit and end-of-life services
  • ABB is your long term trusted partner with sales and service competence in approximately 100 countries

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