Safer, smarter, more sustainable

Wherever you find electrical generation assets, energy storage systems, and electricity consumers, you find a need for optimization. Businesses in the industrial, utility, and energy sectors must preserve their resources, optimize their operational efficiency, achieve their sustainability goals, and increase their profitability. These all require optimization, and ABB AbilityTM Energy Management and Optimization - OPTIMAX®.

Ready to optimize your energy management?

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ABB Ability™ Energy Management and Optimization - OPTIMAX®

is a software suite that delivers energy management and optimization for energy, emissions, and processes. It provides coordinated control of multiple assets targeting energy efficiency and decarbonization.

OPTIMAX® is an optimization environment for solving all types of energy management and optimization challenges that industrial enterprises and energy provider face.

How it works

The core of OPTIMAX® is the Dynamic Optimizer, an ABB-developed optimization technology and one of the few commercially successful mixed-integer (non-) linear program solvers worldwide. OPTIMAX® deployment is highly scalable from on-premises to server-based in data centers to native cloud deployment. It also deploys as a hybrid solution with monitoring and reporting, predictive optimization and forecasting modules in the cloud, and real-time control and optimization features on-premises.
Virtual power plants

Pooling decentralized assets and enable energy market integration

Multi-domain/sector coupling

Enabling sector coupling concepts with models covering multiple physical domains


Reduce energy cost by up to 10% annually

Support savings of 3-5% on steam with ROI < 1 year

Cut emissions at scale

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