L&W Autoline Thickness | Automated caliper measurement for paper and board

Why measure thickness?

Single sheet thickness (or caliper) can be defined as the perpendicular distance between two surfaces measured under specified conditions and using standard testing methods. In many cases, measurements according to standards are a prerequisite to assure paper quality. 

Having accurate thickness measurement ensures precise calculations of important properties, such as bending stiffness. Controlling thickness uniformity means producing paper that performs well in the printing press. Accurate full CD thickness profiles also are an enabler of process optimization. 

Precise and exact measurement

L&W Autoline Thickness

L&W Autoline Thickness gives precise and exact thickness measurements of paper and board. By providing reliable and accurate information for process optimization, mills can better control manufacturing parameters to produce a superior quality product.

L&W Autoline Thickness is often combined with L&W Autoline TSO in the same module, since controlling a paper machine involves seeing the elastic properties of the paper in addition to basic control parameters (grammage, moisture, etc). This makes accurate prediction of bending stiffness possible.

Thinks to keep in mind by grade:

  • Board: high bulk is needed for high bending stiffness (high thickness = high bulk)
  • Printing papers: Consistent thickness is needed for runnability in high speed printers
  • Liner: Low thickness means low bulk, which means high compression strength


  • Based on the proven L&W Micrometer
  • Precise parallelism of measuring faces due to sturdy C-frame
  • 0,1 μm resolution
  • Automatic cleaning function
  • Hardened polished stainless steel plates
  • Optical linear encoder

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