Quality Control Systems (QCS) for pulp and paper

Paper manufacturing is one of the most complex industrial processes in the world today. The speed of the process coupled with the quality requirements of the finished product means you need state-of-the-art measurements and control techniques to deliver paper that is on specification. ABB offers many solutions for more consistent operations, improved production, energy savings and reduced costs. The Quality Control System is a central component of ABB Ability™ Quality Management System (QMS) integrated solution suite consisting of products and applications for improved quality control.


Our offering

Meeting your mill's specific needs

System integration

ABB Quality Control Solutions are implemented on the System 800xA control platform. It enables you to view operator displays, control status, process data, machine drawings and other useful information, including paper quality control, drives, pulp mill control and stock preparation controls.

“With the changes ABB made throughout our mill, I am very happy to say we are getting the results we wanted. We are lucky to have all our information technology supplied by ABB.”


ABB Scanning Platforms are the industry’s strongest and smartest scanners, providing the process information necessary to optimize product.

“We nailed every one of our ROIs on our projects with ABB. What ABB commits to, they deliver.”


ABB offers pioneering online paper quality measurements that provide papermakers with a precise tool to control the most demanding paper grades.

With HPIR upgrade: “We have the same reliability as before, and we can continue working as usual, and without the extra work that a source of radiation brings.”


Today’s profiling solutions require tighter zone spacing, higher precision, accurate mapping and creative control solutions. ABB’s focus on quality using our new xP (eXtended Profiling) actuators, provides accuracy and precision required by today’s challenging control applications.

“Caliper and gloss profiles must be perfect. ABB gloss profilers made the development of new grades possible.”


ABB’s Quality Control Solutions offer papermakers the most precise Machine-Direction/Cross-Direction measurement separation, the most reliable multivariable Machine-Direction Controls, leading-edge Cross-Direction Control features and powerful color control applications.

“ABB CD solutions with LV control perform very well. The resulting profile uniformity is consistent and stable.”

Learn more about ABB Quality Control Systems

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