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Energy efficiency and sustainability

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Energy efficiency and sustainability

ABB save 25 GWh of electricity per year for Europe’s leading copper producer Metals  Fans & Pumps ABB ACS880 Drives, SynRM motors, Process performance induction motors
Pioneering safety and efficiency in India's road tunnels with ABB and Witt India HVAC  Fans ABB’s high-performance smoke extraction motors
Real Ispat & Power Ltd in collaboration with ABB powering sustainable steel manufacturing Steel  Pump IE3 General and Process Performance motors, Variable Frequency Drives
ABB IE5 SynRM motors and drives help GSK vaccine plant reach net zero Chemical, oil and gas  Pump IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors, ACH580 Drive
Lifting energy efficiency to new levels in sewage treatment with ABB drives and motors Water and wastewater  Pump IE5 Synchronous reluctance motor, ACQ580 Drive
Sweet savings: ABB’s IE5 SynRM motors help confectionery producers use less energy Food and beverage  Mill IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
NESTRO dedusters take energy efficiency to the next level with ABB SynRM motors and drives Plastics
Pulp and paper
 Extractor IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
Eisele’s pumps deliver the highest efficiency with IE5 SynRM motors from ABB Agriculture Pumps IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
Smurfit Kappa Parenco boosts sustainability with high efficiency motors from ABB Pulp and Paper  Mill IE4 process performance cast iron motors
Process performance motors
IE4 process performance motors

Watania Steel chooses ABB’s High Dynamic Performance motors for new wire rod mill

Metals   Mill High dynamic performance motors  No

ABB helps USG Industrial Utilities to save energy that equals the yearly power consumption of 130 homes

Chemical, oil and gas
 Pumps    Yes
Runtech vacuum solutions with ABB technology enable major energy savings in paper machine applications Pulp and Paper Pulp mill  High speed motors  Yes
Swissmill chooses ABB to supply customized motors for roller mills Food and beverage Mill Motors for explosive atmospheres  Yes
Kuhmo pioneers energy-efficient timber production with ABB SynRM motors and drives Pulp and Paper Drying IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ACS880 drives
 ABB’s SynRM motors are a perfect match for Rodelta’s high efficiency drinking water pumps Water and wastewater   Pumps IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors  Yes
 Veisto Oy developed a more energy efficient power unit Pulp and Paper  Pumps
IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ACS880 drives
Rodelta pumps and ABB motors support the transition to low-emission biofuels Chemical, oil and gas
Water and wastewater 
Close-coupled pumps
ABB synchronous reluctance motors and drives enable reduced carbon emissions in an energy efficiency upgrade for Hobart CBD building HVAC
Water and wastewater 
IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ACS580 drives
Meeting future goals through zero-emission technology Construction Construction vehicles Electric powertrain
Motors for heavy electric vehicles
Energy storage systems
Mobile controller
ABB technologies help buses in Zurich become more energy efficient eBuses
Commercial vehicles
Public transportation
 Propulsion Energy storage systems
Electric powertrain
Sweetening the world through energy efficiency Food and beverage   Mill IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ACS880 drives
Compact size and high power density make ABB’s HDP motors ideal for powering machines Cosmetics   Homogenizer High dynamic performance motors
ACS880 drives
ABB’s technology enables Hobart Aquatic Centre to save an estimated $36,000 in reduced energy costs HVAC
Water and wastewater
Variable speed drives
IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ABB Ability™ Smart Sensors
ABB close-coupled pump motors enable compact pumping solutions Chemical, oil and gas Close-coupled pumps
Motors for explosive atmospheres
Process performance motors
THE POWER OF CHOCOLATE Food and beverage Chocolate conches IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ACS880 drives
Energy efficient ABB electric propulsion system saves fuel and cuts emissions in fish carrier vessels Food and beverage
Propulsion Water Cooled motors Yes
SynRM and Drive package lift Energy Efficiency in Husum Pulp and paper Pulp mill IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ACS880 drives
A role Model for energy efficiency Pulp and paper Paper machine IE4 process performance motors
Process performance motors
ACS880 drives
A clean, quiet, and electric ride through the Swiss town of Baden eBuses
Commercial vehicles
Public transportation
Propulsion Permanent magnet motors No
Softening potable water in Germany with ABB’s energy efficient SynRM motor drive package Water and wastewater Pumps IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ACS880 drives
swissRTec’s recycling plants recover valuable materials from e-waste Recycling Vertical shredder
Delamination mill
Process performance cast iron motors
Process performance motors
ACS580 drives
ACS880 drives

Viking Line takes the tension out of harbor mooring for M/S Gabriella

Marine  Winches
IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ACS880 drives
IE5 motors help paint shop realise annual energy saving Automotive Supply fans
Exhaust fans
IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
General purpose drives
Circularity: The new direction of choice Circular economy Circular economy Yes
Energy efficiency is a pressing matter Metals Servo hydraulic presses IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors Yes
IE5 SynRM motor and drive packages clearly improve energy efficiency in wastewater treatment Water and wastewater Filtration
IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ACS880 drives
A more sustainable future for wood drying Sawmills Fans IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors Yes
ABB traction motors help to boost tram travel in Poland’s city of parks and gardens Public transportation  Trams   Traction motors  Yes
Water company in Brazil gets 25% energy savings and better uptime — with ABB drives, motors and digital powertrain solutions Water and wastewater Pumps Process performance motors
IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
General performance motors
ACQ580 drives
ABB Ability™ Smart Sensors
ABB’s drive and motor package gives AlburyCity Council water plant an energy efficiency upgrade and eliminates residential disturbances Water and wastewater Pumps General performance motors
Variable speed drives
Campbell’s Australia cuts costs with SynRM Food and beverage Compressor IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ACS580 drives
Take a trip to the top of Europe with ABB motors and drives Public transportation Cableways Process performance motors
Regenerative drives
Arctic mine hits production record with help from ABB services Mining Mill ABB services No
ABB’s new hygiene testing lab in Sweden under the microscope Food and beverage Testing equipment IEC Food safe motors No
ABB technology runs refrigeration system at Switzerland's largest bakery Food and beverage Refrigeration IE4 process performance cast iron motors
Process performance motors
ACS880 drives
ABB motors and drives boost efficiency of Swedish waste-to-energy plant Power Pumps
Process performance cast iron motors
Process performance motors
ACS800 drives
High voltage motors
ABB technology cuts energy usage of InterContinental Hotel Madrid by 40 percent HVAC Pumps ACH550 drives
IE3 process performance aluminum motors
Process performance motors
Italian firm chooses ABB products for marine exhaust scrubbers that reduce emissions Marine Exhaust scrubbers Process performance motors
ACS880 drives
A waste treatment problem solver knows what is important when it comes to drives in shredding machines Waste treatment Shredders Process performance cast iron motors
Process performance motors
ACS580 drives
ACS880 drives
A perfect mix of expertise and quality Water and wastewater
Food and beverage
General performance motors
Process performance motors
Brake motors
ABB motors drive Egypt's fish farming Water and wastewater
Food and beverage
Pumps Process performance cast iron motors
Process performance motors
Energy efficiency in the milling industry Food and beverage Mill IE3 Dust ignition protection aluminum motors
Motors for explosive atmospheres
ABB motors power the steepest funicular in the world Public transportation Lifts
High voltage motors No
Pioneering energy efficiency for reliable drinking water supply in the Netherlands Water and wastewater Pumps IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ACS880 drives
Enjoying the Swiss Alps with ABB Public transportation Lifts
Traction motors
AC drives
Trust based on technical prowess Chemical, oil and gas Pumps
IE4 process performance motors
Process performance motors
Metsä Group, Äänekoski bioproduct mill Pulp and paper Pumps Process performance cast iron motors
Process performance motors
ACS880 drives
High voltage motors
Why switching to AC drives for plastic extrusion makes sense Plastics and rubber Extruders IE5 Synchronous reluctance motors
ACS880 drives
A global grain OEM partners with ABB at new plant in Hungary Agriculture
Food and beverage
Grain storage
Material handling
Motors for explosive atmospheres No
OctoFrost - A colorless challenge Food and beverage Industrial freezers Process performance aluminum motors
Process performance motors
Aerodium - Flying free in Latvia HVAC Fans Process performance motors No
RB Kolubara - Technology saves a coal mine Mining Conveyor Process performance motors
ACS880 drives







Food & Drink International
An energy efficient future for the food and beverage sector: By Brith Isaksson, Global Food and Beverage Segment Manager, ABB

Today, the food and beverage sector is responsible for approximately 30% of global energy use and 20% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Just like in every other industry, consumers and governments are calling on the food and beverage sector to reduce its environmental impact.

6 reasons to select SynRM

The synchronous reluctance motor (SynRM) has been around for nearly a century, and yet it is only in recent years that it has become commercially viable as a high efficiency alternative to the induction motor. ABB’s Dave Hawley explains some of the benefits.

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