Metallic conduits

Adaptaflex offers a wide range of metallic flexible conduits & fittings. Find the ideal conduit for your specification below.
Steel Conduit

Inherent Low Fire Hazard (ILFH) system. Features high compression, mechanical and tensile strength. IP40 rated

Liquid Resistant Covered Steel Flexible Conduit

IP65 rated with appropriate fitting. Range features self-extinguishing, LFH and Halogen free materials

Liquid Tight Covered Steel Flexible Conduit

Up to IP69K rated with appropriate fitting. Range features self-extinguishing, ELFH, Halogen free extreme temperature range materials

Braided Steel Flexible Conduit

Inherent Low Fire Hazard (ILFH), EMI screen system. IP40 rated with very high UV resistance

Braided Liquid Resistant & Liquid Tight Covered Steel Flexible Conduit

Liquid resistant options up to IP54 rated with appropriate fitting. Liquid tight options up to IP68 rated with appropriate fitting. EMI screen, self-extinguishing, ELFH, Halogen free extreme temperature range materials

Anti-microbial liquid tight conduit

Anti-microbial liquid tight high temperature covered steel flexible conduit. Suitable for indoor splash zone areas or food processing equipment

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