Process control and automation solutions for energy and utilities

Centralized control and supervision of the different subsystems in demanding operating conditions of electrical and thermal power supply chain

Big data to transform the energy landscape
Today, power plants produce more data in single day than in a full month ten years ago. In a typical production plant, terabytes of data are generated daily by equipment, smart devices, sensors, DCS & PLC systems, business systems, etc. The challenge is unifying plant data and presenting pertinent information and analysis in context to the people who need it. 

With ABB, integrating equipment and devices with each other and with people and higher level applications can lead to transformative business improvements such as: 
- Remote access for monitoring, operation and service
- Big data analytics for predictive maintenance and continuous improvement of equipment and processes
- Virtualization of running plant for simulation and training of plant personnel.


Energy efficiency is critical
Power plants consume 5% of the electricity they generate. This can be cut by 10 to 30% by optimizing operations and auxiliary systems using sophisticated control systems and energy-efficient equipment.  Energy is also vital for industries to operate, with a reliable and stable energy supply for the motors that drive compressors, pumps, fans and machines. Some operate in areas where the public electricity supply is unreliable or non-existent meaning they must rely heavily on their own generation capabilities. ABB enables companies to balance energy demands, to control energy costs, to enhance safety, and to mitigate environmental and health impacts. Advancing communication standards, converging platforms make it easier than ever to unify process automation and electrical systems, able to achieve 30% savings in engineering costs, 15% savings in installation time, and 20% savings in training costs.

ABB's award-winning control technologies offer high operational security, maximum availability, remote maintenance possibility and an easy and quick way to upgrade to a new generation of control systems.

Automate and optimize your electrical and thermal power supply chain

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URLImageTitleDescriptionIndustrySolutionTopicCountry for a new heat and power plant in Mölndal in Sweden (by COWI)Alarm management and monitoring critical for energy-efficient boiler powered by bio fuelChemicals Power GenerationABB 800xAABB Partners Information Management Operator EffectivenessSweden for Petrobras substation automation in BrazilLowering lifecycle costs with one IED technology, library, control system, and common IEC 61850 engineering toolsetChemicals Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Power T&DABB 800xAElectrical Control SystemBrazil process and power control at E.ON hydropower plant in SwedenFirst in the world process and power control in the same system using IEC 61850Power GenerationABB 800xAElectrical Control System Energy EfficiencySweden Collaborative Operations Center for full control of Metsä Group’s bioproduct mill650 drives and other electrical components connected to the control centers across the Atlantic, detecting errors before they become problemsPower Generation Pulp and PaperABB 800xA ABB Control Room Solutions ABB Operations Management SoftwareElectrical Control System Enterprise Asset Management Information Management Operator Effectiveness ServiceFinland control solution for 1,320 MW clean coal power plant in southern ChinaAn ABB Symphony® Plus distributed control system is providing a total plant automation solution for an ultra-supercritical thermal power plant in Guangxi, China.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus China control system upgrade improves hydro plant reliability in IndiaProcontrol P13 with a current HMI solution averts total control system replacement.Power GenerationABB Symphony PlusSystem EvolutionIndia Cyber Security, Harmony and System 800xA Fingerprints for DTE Energy, USElectric and natural gas provider mitigates risk with diagnostic audits, detecting potential system vulnerabilities long before they happen, rather than having to repair because of a crisis.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Harmony System EvolutionCyber SecurityUnited States delivers HMI upgrade to Swanbank E power station in “virtually” no timeABB has upgraded the complete human machine interface (HMI) system at the Swanbank E power station.Power GenerationABB 800xA ABB Advant Master System EvolutionInformation Management System EvolutionAustralia Harmony upgrade provides control for Duvha coal-fired power plantDuvha power station is a six unit, coal-fired power plant operated by the South African electrical utility, Eskom, with a total installed capacity of 3,600 megawatts (MW).Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus ABB Symphony Plus Harmony System EvolutionSystem EvolutionSouth Africa helps European cities convert waste to energy and cut emissionsThe Severnside facility will treat up to 400,000 metric tons of municipal solid waste a year, with an installed electrical capacity of 37 megawatts (MW), enough to power 50,000 UK homes.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Poland helps Harbin Electric win power plant order in TurkeyHarbin Electric International has selected ABB as its plant automation partner for a major new supercritical power plant project in Turkey.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Turkey PIMS for Siemens Teleperm ME control technology at Esbjergvaerket power plantProduction data acquisition and conditioning, long-term archival, alarm list, ratio computations, lifetime monitoring and comprehensive accounting running on ABB's Process Information Management System (PIMS)Power GenerationSimens System EvolutionInformation ManagementDenmark solution to help Algeria meet growing demand for powerFast-track delivery of power plant automation system and substation expansion will help boost generating capacity and ensure grid stability in populous northern region of AlgeriaPower GenerationABB Symphony Plus Argentina supports Japan’s growing biomass power market with ninth automation orderABB’s solution to automate the Enewill, Osaka Gas and SMFL MIRAI Partners greenfield Wakayama Gobo biomass power plantPower GenerationABB Symphony Plus Argentina Symphony Plus automation solutions for supercritical thermal plant in VietnamRepeat order from Doosan Heavy Industries to automate a 600 megawatt (MW) supercritical coal-fired power plant in Vietnam, an extension of the Vinh Tan 4 supercritical thermal power plant located about 230 km east of Ho Chi Minh City.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Vietnam technology to optimize power plant in GermanyThe plant is fueled by natural gas and has the capacity to produce 230 megawatts of heat and around 300 MW of electricity for some 100,000 homes in Lichterfelde, a suburb of Berlin.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Germany to automate 225 megawatt combined cycle power plant in MyanmarThe Symphony Plus system controls and monitors the entire power plant, including the turbine, heat recovery steam generator and its auxiliaries, and balance-of-plant. The system is equipped with the latest generation of SD Series flexible control and I/O modules, a field-proven technology featuring scalable and flexible design.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Argentina to automate generation at iconic Aswan hydropower plants in EgyptThe order is worth over $20 million and was awarded by the Hydro Plants Generation Company to provide extensive plant automation and control solutions for the Aswan hydropower complex in Egypt as part of a major plant rehabilitation program.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Egypt to power one of Africa’s largest photovoltaic solar plants and support renewables thrust$25 million to supply electrical and control systems for a new 75 megawatt photovoltaic power plant in the Northern Cape province of South Africa.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus South Africa to support India’s push for solar powerPlant electrification, automation and substation solutions for solar power plants being built as part of India’s strong push for solar energy and renewables. Spread across the southern Indian states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, these projects will connect more than 850 megawatts (MW) of solar energy to the grid.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus India will automate latest generating units of ‘coal-by-wire’ project in ChinaABB will automate latest generating units of ‘coal-by-wire’ project in ChinaPower GenerationABB Symphony Plus China Process Control in Energy market, ItalyCoordination of multiple refinery utilities to implement optimal power planChemicals Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Power T&DABB Operations Management SoftwareElectrical Control System Energy Efficiency Enterprise ConnectivityItaly Process Control in industrial steam automationModel predictive control for a more stable and reliable steam supply and reduced operating costsChemicals Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Power Generation Pulp and PaperABB 800xA ABB Operations Management SoftwareEnergy EfficiencyArgentina HMI upgrade to 800xA for Swanbank E power stationComplete virtualization of all HMI servers to better manage operating system and application updatesPower GenerationABB Advant Master System EvolutionService System Evolution VirtualisationAustralia Master DCS evolution to 800xA for Cockburn power plant in AustraliaHMI upgrade for central information management, data acquisition and reportingPower GenerationABB Advant Master System EvolutionService System Evolution Information ManagementAustralia MOD300 DCS upgrade to Symphony Plus for Mailiao Power CorporationA single window into process automation, field device engineering and maintenancePower GenerationABB Symphony PlusInformation Management Service System Evolution China Master DCS upgrade to 800xA for hydroelectric power station Blanda in IcelandExtending control system's life for one of the world's most effective and sustainable hydropower stationsPower GenerationABB Advant Master System EvolutionService System Evolution Information ManagementIceland Management Software for EPZ power plants in NetherlandsOptimizing enterprise asset management with ABB Asset Suite and eSOMS softwarePower GenerationABB Operations Management SoftwareEnterprise Asset Management Netherlands plant integration for CMPC tissue in Chile (by IMA Soluciones Tecnológicas)Integration capabilities of System 800xA offered ideal solution for energy savings and operator effectiveness thanks to user-specific interfacePower Generation Pulp and PaperABB 800xAABB Partners Electrical Control System Energy Efficiency Operator EffectivenessChile Product Suite for hydro power generation modernization in BulgariaSmooth integration of Vacha II station into the hydro power cascade while maximizing yield, and minimizing the need for human attention with remote operationPower GenerationABB Compact Product SuiteServiceBulgaria integrated electrical and automation solution for Summit MeghnaghatABB supplied a complete integrated instrumentation, control and electrical solution for a combined cycle power plant in Bangladesh to cope with power deficiency in the country.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Argentina Symphony Plus retrofit for Hazelwood Power Station in AustraliaABB was awarded a contract from GDF Suez to retrofit the control system of the Hazelwood Power station.Power GenerationABB Symphony PlusSystem EvolutionAustralia Symphony™ Plus retrofit for Vinh Son hydropower plant in VietnamSaigon Ban Mai Commercial Company selected ABB for total control system retrofit of Vinh Son hydropower plant.Power GenerationABB Symphony PlusInformation ManagementVietnam solution to improve efficiency in MexicoSupplying a Symphony® Plus automation solution for a 320-megawatt fuel-fired power plantPower GenerationABB Symphony PlusSystem EvolutionArgentina control system for the World Cup stadium, BrazilAdvanced automation, protection and control system for Edgard de Souza substationBuildings and Infrastructure Power T&D Electrical Control SystemBrazil Generación modernizes hydropower fleet with ABB Ability™ABB Ability™ digital control technology helped Enel to connect its hydropower fleet across Chile, improving coordination and information-sharing.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Chile selects ABB for third-party gas turbine control system upgradeCutting-edge control automation will allow Europe’s biggest utility to extend the lifecycle of its assets at La Casella combined cycle power plant.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Spain management software for Public Works CanadaA unified approach to energy conservation and optimization across facilitiesBuildings and Infrastructure Power T&D Water and WastewaterABB Operations Management SoftwareEnergy Efficiency Enterprise ConnectivityCanada
Evolving Infi 90 to state-of-the-art Symphony Plus systems in ChinaTwo companies that recently upgraded their aging Infi 90 Symphony Plus systems are Huaneng Group and Shandong Zhonghua Power.Power GenerationABB Symphony PlusSystem EvolutionChina
Expanding power plant capacity with innovative EBoP solutionsAn ABB electrical balance-of-plant (EBoP) solution will help a thermal power plant in India reduce power shortages and meet spiraling demand for reliable electricity.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus India
Extending the life of the world’s largest CSP plantABB has upgraded with state-of-the-art features the 22-year-old turbine control systems at the Harper Lake solar thermal power plant in the Mojave Desert, California.Power GenerationABB Symphony PlusSystem EvolutionUnited States
Freelance DCS at District Heating plant in Berlin NeuköllnUsing the new, integrated heat accumulator of the power-to-heat unit, the district heating and electricity production can be temporally decoupled from the heat supplyPower GenerationABB Freelance DCSEnergy Efficiency Sustainable SolutionsGermany
Freelance DCS at ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe (by Küttner Automation GmbH)Putting coal injection control into operation, production process interrupted only for 36 hoursMetals Power GenerationABB Freelance DCSABB PartnersGermany
Freelance DCS controls clean energy in the Italian Alpine regionAutonomously engineered supervision and control enables power plant dimension and capacity increasePower Generation Power T&D ABB Freelance DCS Sustainable SolutionsItaly
Freelance DCS for Boilers manufacturer in UK (by Byworth)Helping an OEM to develop the next generation boiler control and monitoringDiscrete Manufacturing Power GenerationABB Freelance DCSABB Partners Energy EfficiencyArgentina
Freelance DCS for Ökobit biogas plant OEM in Germany (together with Fraunhofer Institute)Controlling complex systems engineering of biogas plants to ensure maximum gas output at a constant quality Chemicals Discrete Manufacturing Power GenerationABB Freelance DCSABB PartnersGermany
Freelance DCS for Szeged district heating network in HungaryLowering operation cost with unmanned control; saving 1.8 million m3 of natural gas annuallyBuildings and Infrastructure Power GenerationABB Freelance DCSEnergy EfficiencyHungary
Freelance DCS upgrades for Beijing district heating group in ChinaFuture-proof maintenance for public facilities and residential heating thanks to ABB DCS life cycle management programPower GenerationABB Freelance DCSServiceChina
Helping Bangladesh automate power more efficientlyABB to supply Symphony Plus total plant automation system solutions for a new duel fuel combined cycle power plant in Bangladesh. Power Generation ABB Symphony Plus Argentina
Helping Java reduce its power shortageThe 670 megawatt Banten Serang supercritical coal-fired power plant will provide much-needed power, the Symphony® Plus solution will control the entire power plant including the boiler, turbine, auxiliary electric equipment, fuel gas desulfurization, balance of plant. Power Generation ABB Symphony Plus Argentina
Hydroelectric power station modernization with Freelance DCS (by BERFA AG)Upgrade from Contronic P to the Freelance DCS to support unmanned operationPower GenerationABB Symphony Plus Melody System Evolution ABB Freelance DCSABB Partners ServiceSwitzerland
Improve operational efficiency at Svebølle-Viskinge district heating plant in DenmarkBig data visualization made easy using MOM Process and Production Intelligence Software. Power Generation ABB Operations Management Software ABB MOM Process & Production Intelligence Information ManagementDenmark
Innovative control solution cuts costs for Indian hydropower plantThe Ranganadi Hydroelectric Project is a 405 megawatt (MW) generating plant on the Ranganadi River in Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern India Power Generation ABB Symphony Plus India
Master DCS upgrade to Advant and 800xA for Korea District HeatingBackward compatibility and investment protection with step by step system evolutionPower GenerationABB Advant Master System EvolutionService System Evolution Information ManagementChina
Migrating a Dutch waste-to-energy plant towards a future of stable controlAn ABB control system migration at a waste-to-energy plant in the Netherlands will ensure state-of-the-art plant control for at least another 10–15 years. Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus System EvolutionNetherlands
Modernizing a super-efficient CHP plant in DenmarkDONG Energy selected ABB to supply Symphony Plus for the automation system for their Avedøre Power Plant Unit 1.Power GenerationABB Symphony PlusSystem EvolutionDenmark
Multimillion dollar contract to upgrade the control system at Weston Unit 3Weston Unit 3 is a 360 MW Combustion Engineering tangential-fired drum boiler supplying steam to a GE turbine-generator. The balanced-draft unit is equipped with two electrically driven boiler feed pumps and a fabric filter baghouse. Power Generation ABB Symphony Plus United States
Northern lights: ABB’s unique hydropower retrofit supports power supply in spectacular Canadian settingIt is a province of deep forests and river valleys, rolling prairie hills and highlands. Manitoba, is also home to a number of North American indigenous groups, who have lived among this spectacular setting for thousands of years.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Canada
Online optimization of hybrid desalination plant Fujairah Water and Power Plant (FWPP) in UAEReal-time data is collected from a Siemens Teleperm XP via an OPC server, a Siemens Win CC and a GE Mark V system. The data is stored in the long term real-time database from ABB, which is then used as a common data source for all the optimization tools and other applications. Power Generation Water and Wastewater ABB Operations Management Software Siemens System Evolution Energy Efficiency Information ManagementUnited Arab Emirates
Online optimization of hybrid desalination plantsReal-time data is collected from a Siemens Teleperm XP via an OPC server, a Siemens Win CC and a GE Mark V system. The data is stored in the long term real-time database from ABB, which is then used as a common data source for all the optimization tools and other applications.Power GenerationSimens System EvolutionEnergy EffiencyUnited Arab Emirates
Powering Canada’s largest solar photovoltaic plantSupplying a 100 megawatt turnkey photovoltaic solar project in Ontario, Canada’s most populous province. Power Generation ABB Symphony Plus Canada
Powering up northern IraqABB has delivered integrated instrumentation, control and electrical solutions for six power plant projects in Iraqi Kurdistan. The plants have added 3,000 MW of much-needed electricity to the autonomous region’s power supply. Power Generation ABB Symphony Plus Iraq
Powering up the PhilippinesABB is supplying an integrated electrical and control solution for a new power plant that will help meet peak demand and ease power shortages in the Philippines. Power Generation ABB Symphony Plus Argentina
Rapid delivery of S+ Operations for new Cairo power plant in EgyptABB successfully delivered Symphony Plus HMI solution for a 600 MW fast-track gas-fired power plant project owned by Cairo Electricity Production Company (CEPC). Power Generation ABB Symphony Plus Egypt
Senoko Energy - combined cycle power plant in SingaporeLargest power generation company in Singapore, chose Symphony Plus S+ Operation human machine interface.Power GenerationABB Symphony PlusSystem EvolutionSingapore
Söderenergi in Södertälje Sweden digitizes manual and automated tasks using ABB remote monitoringMore time-efficient maintenance, improved operational reliability and enhanced security Power Generation ABB 800xA Cyber SecuritySweden
Spain’s Repsol selects ABB to enhance performance at five hydropower plantsABB’s digital solutions and control systems optimize productivity while reducing emissions and costs Power Generation ABB Symphony Plus Spain
Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems project for automated production schedulingIntegrated process control system pilot to connect the workforce, activities and equipment in real timePower GenerationABB Symphony Plus Spain
Symphony Plus for one of the world’s largest bunker-fueled diesel power plant in Philippines1590 Energy Corporation selected ABB to upgrade the control system of their Bauang diesel power plant via a step-wise approach.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus Argentina
Symphony Plus maximizes generation for advanced thermal power plant in ChinaCommissioning the first 2,000 MW of this landmark project comprising two generating units.Power GenerationABB Symphony Plus China
Symphony Plus to automate Bhola 225 megawatts power plant in BangladeshABB has been awarded a contract by China Chengda Engineering Co. Ltd. to supply Symphony® Plus for a new combined cycle power plant located at Bhola districtPower GenerationABB Symphony PlusSystem EvolutionArgentina
Symphony Plus to automate third unit of Barapukuria thermal power plantThe existing plant consists of 2 units of 125 MW capacity, commissioned in 2006. ABB has completed the upgradation of these units in the first quarter of 2015 to the Symphony Plus platform through seamless stepwise migration approach.Power GenerationABB Symphony PlusSystem EvolutionArgentina
Symphony Plus upgrade for Honolulu power plant in HawaiiHawaiian Electric selects Symphony Plus for modernization of the boiler control systems for Unit 8 and 9 of their power plant located at Honolulu.Power GenerationABB Symphony PlusSystem EvolutionUnited States
System 800xA at Mälarenergi's heating and power plant in SwedenServer virtualization saves running costs and increase reliabilityPower GenerationABB 800xAOperator Effectiveness VirtualizationSweden
System 800xA for Genesis Energy hydro power, New ZealandMultisystem integration over a wide geographical areaPower Generation Power T&DABB 800xAOperator Effectiveness Service System EvolutionNew Zealand
System 800xA for Infraserv Höchst waste-to-energy power plant in GermanyIncinerating up to 675,000 metric tons of pre-sorted waste a year at 90% fuel efficiencyPower GenerationABB 800xAOperator EffectivenessGermany
System 800xA for NBE Sweden industrial ethanol producerAC 800M controller and Profibus fieldbus communication for highest precision in unique project, making use of an extremely large proportion of wood’s theoretical energy contentChemicals Power GenerationABB 800xAEnergy Efficiency Sustainable SolutionsSweden
System 800xA for Singapore's first multi-plant district cooling networkEconomy of scale for largest and most ambitious district cooling project ever undertakenBuildings and Infrastructure Power GenerationABB 800xAElectrical Control System Energy Efficiency Enterprise Asset Management Information Management Sustainable SolutionsSingapore
System 800xA Performance Service for UEGA power plant in BrazilRemote-enabled monitoring via ABB ServicePort helps achieve 100% availability Power Generation ABB 800xA ServiceArgentina
System 800xA process and power control at E.ON hydropower plant in SwedenFirst in the world process and power control in the same system using IEC 61850Power GenerationABB 800xAElectrical Control SystemSweden
System 800xA: first choice for Zurich AirportEnsuring Europe’s busiest transportation hub receives optimal, cost-effective heat and power Buildings and Infrastructure Power T&D ABB 800xA Electrical Control SystemSwitzerland
Taking control of information managementABB PGIM provides complete and flexible data reporting and diagnostic capabilities for power generation.Power GenerationABB Symphony PlusInformation ManagementAustralia
Third-party DCS evolution to ABB Procontrol 14 for DUBAL smelter in DubaiA raft of operational and cost benefits for the site’s desalination plantAluminium Power Generation Water and WastewaterABB Symphony PlusService System EvolutionUnited Kingdom
Timing is everything as massive Kusile automation project achieves key early milestonesKusile Power Station will comprise six units of 800 megawatt (MW) each, will be the world’s fourth-largest coal-fired power station. Power Generation ABB Symphony Plus United Arab Emirates
Umeå Energi consolidates Siemens PLCs into ABB Ability™ System 800xANew way of connecting PLC objects and its signals to System 800xA reduces engineering time by 50%, results in a much tighter integration than with traditional solutions and allows to retain plant investment in existing hardwarePower GenerationSimens System EvolutionOperator EffectivenessArgentina
Wheat straw provides climate-neutral heating using System 800xA (by Stadler + Schaaf)Germany’s first combined heat and power station that uses only straw to produce electricity and heatPower GenerationABB 800xAABB PartnersSwitzerland
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