ABB Smart Innovations
ABB Electrification Business' Innovations Show 2020
General presentations
Product presentions

Smarter Building
Intelligent networking of building functions is the key to increased efficiency, profitability and sustainability. Modular system solutions that are integrated and networked offer the highest amount of flexibility and planability, to care for maximum safety, effortless comfort and the least input of energy.
Innovations overview related to Smarter Building
Door Communication - smartIP Network
ABB i-bus® KNX building automation
Energy Distribution

Smarter Home
Intelligent connectivity in one's own home is independence at its best. The networked technologies of ABB effortlessly, intuitively and efficiently raise the comfort to the next level. New system extensions unite maximum possibilities for the control of light and blind control that is scalable for every requirement. From the one-room solution to the multifamily house.
Innovations overview related to Smarter Home
ABB-free@home® flex
Design range

Smarter Mobility
High-performance solutions, efficiently conceived. The mobility of the future is progressing fast. More and more car manufacturers are converting their range to hybrid and electric vehicles – and the charging infrastructure is becoming the main topic of the discussion regarding the feasibility of new mobility concepts. Efficient systems such as charging stations on the wall offer flexible, high-performance solutions - whether in the public sector or in one's own home. This is for a future that combines individual freedom with a more sustainable lifestyle.
Innovations overview related to Smarter Mobility