Making a world of difference in ports
The power of ports: connecting the global economy
Every year, about 11 billion tons of goods that we rely on in our everyday lives – food, clothing, medicine and much more – are shipped by sea. That’s about as much as 50 million blue whales! To transport this vast amount of essentials around the world, more than 17 million containers are filled nearly 800 million times per year. With so much cargo, container terminals often operate 24/7. ABB solutions and services help ports to improve capacity, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of operations.
Efficient and safe cargo handling
ABB optimizes crane operations by automating tasks that were previously done manually. This improves the overall consistency and reliability of port operations.
In addition to helping to secure cargo, ABB keeps operators that handle this cargo safe by automating repetitive processes and separating humans from machines. With ABB’s remote control solution, operators can manage complex tasks of loading and discharging containers to and from ships from the comfort of an office, rather than in a cabin high up on a crane.

Cargo vessels are becoming bigger – one can carry 24,000 containers which, when lined up end-to-end, extend over 140 kilometers – about the distance it would take to drive from New York City to Philadelphia, from Paris to Brussels or from Shanghai to Hang-zhou! Due to the sheer size of these ships, it is harder for drivers in a cabin to get a complete overview of their operations. With ABB remote control solutions, drivers get visual aids through video and support through automation, making it easier to perform operations.