Telefónica and AMR ABB Robotics develop 5G solutions for remote management of AMRs


AMR ABB Robotics and Telefónica have developed a pioneering system for remote communication with AMRs over a 5G network. The system allows orders to be transferred, traffic to be managed and the plant to be monitored in real time with minimal latency and high availability.

Unlike the usual systems, in which the AMR management programme is on premise, the fleet manager is hosted in the cloud in Telefónica's high availability centre, which guarantees the total security of the installation. In this way, AMR ABB Robotics vehicles, equipped with a terminal that allows 5G communication, connect to the network and receive information from the fleet manager.

5G connection types

Telefónica's 5G technology can be applied to different types of connections. On the one hand, we find the public 5G NSA through a private APN, which is the use of a particular channel within the communication network where the mobile network operates. On the other hand, we can also find the connection through a private 5G SA band, in which a local and customized solution is provided for each customer and plant, offering maximum reliability and availability of the connection.

  • Public 5G NSA via a private APN: this is a low-cost installation as it uses the public communications network and does not require any additional devices in the factory as it uses the public telecommunications network. However, using a private APN provides an additional layer of security by separating the channels used by the mobile terminals. This type of network offers latencies of up to 15 ms and a guaranteed availability (SLA) of more than 95%.
  • Private 5G SA: antennas are installed inside the factory that provide 5G coverage within the customer's own plant, including a core that manages the connections and guarantees bandwidth. This type of installation achieves a minimum latency of 1ms and the use of different systems that ensure the connection, achieving a guaranteed availability (SLA) of up to 99.9999%.

Advantages of 5G in AMRs

Industrial 5G provides reliable connectivity and high bandwidth for data exchange between edge devices and the cloud. In addition, low latencies enable fast decision making. Results can be analysed immediately and analytics data shared and accessible globally.

On the other hand, 5G supports scheduling and emphasises cybersecurity over traditional networks. It guarantees service to each AMR, ensuring latency and bandwidth, which traditional networks cannot offer, and protects connected equipment from malicious attacks.


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