Cualquier estancia en un hotel será una experiencia digital con el uso de biometría no táctil, orientación y mapas de calor Bluetooth para evitar colas. Las cuestiones medioambientales desempeñan un papel importante en la toma de decisiones de los huéspedes sobre dónde alojarse y la eficiencia es crucial tanto para los propietarios como para los huéspedes. Haga del sector hotelero una experiencia preparada para el futuro con ABB Building Solutions.
Los edificios flexibles permiten la reconfiguración sin grandes inversiones y reducen los plazos de entrega.
Perseguir el objetivo corporativo y el esfuerzo práctico para alcanzar una operación neutra en carbono y atraer a más huéspedes con certificaciones ambientales.
Proporcionar entornos de vida y de trabajo muy cómodos para los huéspedes y el personal.
Optimizar el consumo energético del edificio y apoyar el uso eficiente de los recursos, implementando medidas para ahorrar electricidad y servicios públicos.
Proporcionar las condiciones adecuadas de nivel de iluminación, sombras, calidad del aire ytemperatura, para mejorar las prestaciones y ofrecer servicios de máxima calidad.
Obtenga total transparencia de los costos operativos y de mantenimiento para un solo hotel y en toda la cadena.
Conecte edificios y sus componentes inteligentes minimizando riesgos y vulnerabilidades con seguridad cibernética y almacenamiento de datos adecuados.
Digital air-insulated switchgear for secondarydistribution up to 24 kV, 1250 A and 25 kA. Electrical distribution starts with connectivity of the building to the grid.
The Relion® product family is a range of products for the protection, control,measurement and supervision of power systems for IEC and ANSI applications.
Monitoring and diagnostic unit which provides mechanical and electrical health status of a fleet lineup.
Combined with the connectivity and digital smartness of the ABB Ability™ platform, itoffers maximum safety, highest reliability, more flexibility, better efficiency and measurable ROI.
Low-voltage power distribution and motor control center comply with stringent test requirements against internal arc to provide the safest and reliable solution to distribute power.
MNS Compact integrates the XT range of moulded case circuit breakers to provide a high-density solution of up to 36 power circuits per section.
System pro E power is a range of primary distribution boards with rated current up to 6300 A and short-circuit current up to 120 kA.
Air circuit breakers up to 6300A designed to increase efficiency in different types of systems. They are the only switches that protect electrical circuits reducing power consumption at the same time based on user demand.
Moulded case circuit breakers which guarantee an extremely high performance level while being progressively smaller in size, simple to install and better in safety.
The first real automatic switch available onthe market, specifically developed to offer switching and control functions in a single unit.
Provides an optical arc flash mitigation and detects the light from an occurring arc flash sending the signal to the breaker within 1 ms.
Powerful control-management tool that get data from field devices and environmental parameters (temperature, water, gas) to the Energy and Asset Manager interface.
A specific solution for monitoring and controlling the energy flow in sub distribution boards. InSite collects data from devices like MCBs and RCDs that are equipped with current sensors and the integration of digital modules.
A compact solution for monitoring, logging, visualizing and analyzing energy and consumption data from electricity, gas, water or heat meters via KNX, M-Bus or Modbus RTU.
Analyzing consumption data is the key to the advance planning of works aimed at energyoptimization. EQmeters energy meters are the ideal solution for all these applications
A complete range of first-class quality products for controlling electricity, protect end users life and property, and ensure energy efficiency.
A complete range of switchboards for standard energy distribution inside any building, from main distribution switchboards to floorboards, to department cabinets.
The UPS DPA UPScale system, independent of the rack, is one of the most customizable UPS system. It increments power as the critical load grows, optimizing operating efficiency and reducing costs.
El GRMS se puede programar para proporcionar iluminación, cortinas, aire acondicionado y cortesía. Controles para la habitación individual de invitados con posibilidad de futuras actualizaciones. Componentes Incluye pero no se limita a lo siguiente para cada Habitación de Huéspedes: Panel de control de la habitación de huéspedes (GRCP): - Controladores de habitación KNX - Reguladores (DALI o Direct Dimmer según tipo de luminaria) - Controladores HVAC (fancoil o controlador de calefacción o controles de unidad dividida o controles VAV) Paneles de habitaciones de invitados: - Panel indicador de Cortesía Exterior-Interior (con o sin lector, con o sin Número de Habitación) - Tarjetero de ahorro de energía - Termostato de ambiente - Panel de cabecera (Hay otras gamas de pulsadores disponibles) - Placa de calle (Hay otras gamas de Pulsadores disponibles) - Panel de Baño (Hay otras gamas de Pulsadores disponibles) Sistema de control de acceso a las habitaciones: -Dispositivos de control de acceso - Integración de recepción - Servidores de control de acceso dedicados Descubra a continuación la gama completa de productos para el sistema de gestión de habitaciones
The ABB tacteo® KNX Sensor is an individually-configurable control element for intelligent building management of luxury hotels, public buildings and high class residential buildings. This makes each sensor unique in design and function.
It perfectly complements environments with its striking, ultra-slim design and distinctive, classy metal finish and glass finish while its wide range of functionality will meet even the highest of customer demands.
ABB i-bus® KNX sensor PEONIA® with frameless, slim and top classical design. All in one function and free combination with replaceable rocker to make your daily life smarter than ever.
The multifunction control elements with colour concept meet the highest demands in comfort and technology. They come with two RGB LEDs per rocker, helping recognizing the function at a glance, and the surfaces can be additionally fitted with pictograms.
With freely programmable rockers, backlit label areas and infrared sensors, the Buschtriton® is ideally prepared for all kinds of applications and, due to its elegant beauty, ispreferred in hotels and presentation areas.
Video indoor stations are perfectly suited to any situation. Thanks to the intuitive design, all features are just a tap away, with additional programmable buttons that allow for flexible customization to suit all your needs.
The ABB RoomTouch® KNX display is a capacitive multi control element for intelligent controlling of rooms. With a super slim 11mm depth, it features a sleek metal frame and high-quality glass panel and is available in black or white color finishes.
Los sistemas de iluminación, atenuación y sombreado son útiles tanto para las habitaciones de huéspedes como para las zonas comunes.áreas del hotel como el salón del hotel, vestíbulos de ascensores, escaleras, salas de reuniones y oficinas, restaurantes,zona de recepción, cafeterías, salones de banquetes, centro de bienestar, aparcamiento subterráneo, etc. Descubra a continuación toda la gama de productos para el control de iluminación.
It allows the management and activation of building functions through voice commands, thanks to the integration with Apple Siri, Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.
The system supports the best lighting and climatic conditions of the areas, providing a responsible use of energy. Avoid direct solar glare and guarantee the best level of diffused lighting.
Paired with DALI Gateway, these devices can perfect the lighting levels in different work environments by adjusting the system based on the presence of occupants.
The most innovative solution for lighting control and management. It allows for variable adjustment of the color temperature of artificial light according to natural light variation over the day.
Integration for safe monitoring in smart buildings DALI emergency lighting can easily provide a safe and reliable solution to meet smart building emergency lighting requirements.
Naveo®Pro is a way to install, monitor and maintain emergency lighting systems with a mobile device. The system provides a digital overview, giving instant information for resource planning and enhance building safety.
Nexus®Pro system let your smart emergency lighting system manage itself and reduce monitoring and testing times, reducing maintenance costs, and allowing you to focus on problems as they happen right from your smart device.
A range of central power supply systems that offer advantages for specific building types where inspection & maintenance time is critical and needs to be minimized.
The system allows to set-up, maintain, and control the entire emergency lighting installation digitally, providing a real-time overview of all systems which in turn saves time, enables better maintenance, and safety.
ASPECT® is a scalable building energy management and control solution designed to allow users seamless access to their building data through standard building protocols (BACnet, Modbus, Ethernet, etc.) and common IT.
BACnet MS/TP is a data communication protocol mainly used in the building automation and HVAC industry (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning).
Take full advantage of the IoT: connect to Cylon’s BACnet field controllers and manage a variety of diverse devices and subsystems using various protocols including, but not limited to, Modbus™ and LonWorks™.
Recharge systems include Terra AC and Terra DC wallboxes for quick recharge and Column Series Terra for super fast recharge.
Motors designed to meet the demands of HVAC applications, from heavy duty industrial designs to commercial applications.
Baldor’s line of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Motors are designed with dynamically balanced rotors for reduced vibration and quiet operation.
ABB AbilityTM Energy and Asset Manager is a state-of-the-art cloud solution that integrates energy and assetmanagement in a single intuitive dashboard. Providing full remote visibility of asset and electrical-system behavior,ABB AbilityTM Energy and Asset Manager provides insights that help to minimize cost and risk and maximizeperformance and safety across operations.
Discover below ABB AbilityTM Energy and Asset Manager
El paquete de distribución de energía optimizará la eficiencia energética y la disponibilidad de energía para el nuevo alojamiento para estudiantes de 17 pisos. Se ha instalado una solución innovadora en Fusion Swansea, un desarrollo de alojamiento para estudiantes valorado en £50 millones en Swansea, Gales.
Blue Lagoon City Hotel es la última incorporación al Grupo Blue Lagoon y su primer hotel urbano abierto todo el año. Todo el proyecto de automatización del edificio se diseñó e implementó en un período de 6 meses, con la cooperación a gran escala de contratistas eléctricos, mecánicos y de HVAC.
Las Torres Etihad constan de cinco torres únicas. Con entre 54 y 75 pisos, ofrecen hotel, apartamentos y oficinas. La torre más alta alcanza una altura de más de 300 metros y todo el complejo cubre medio millón de metros cuadrados.
Solución de iluminación y regulación con función multiescena e interfaz para particiones móviles. El sistema está controlado por lux de iluminación exterior, control maestro y control local a través de estaciones de pared. La solución técnica incluye diferentes módulos de regulación KNX.